My Big Secret: I Suffer From Anxiety

Anxiety is a disorder that many people suffer from in silence, even though it affects their lives and their relationships with others. Understanding who suffers from anxiety is the first step in helping them overcome it.

Many people suffer from anxiety. This problem, which affects a large part of the population, causes discomfort and prevents a large part of the daily tasks from being carried out. However, this state of anxiety does not always manifest itself very clearly. Do you know someone who suffers from anxiety?

People with this behavior problem have many negative thoughts. Their actions can then sometimes be incomprehensible. It is important to understand that what is happening to them, they themselves do not really know.

The anxious lives a real ordeal

We often think of anxiety as a phenomenon similar to stress. This belief, however, is far removed from reality. The anxious person can live with this state for a sufficiently long time, which can lead to serious health problems .

If you’ve suffered from anxiety at any time, you know that an anxious person lives in a continuous state of anxiety. This anguish pursues her constantly. She cannot free herself from it, even if she wishes to. This is why most people who suffer from anxiety are irritable.

Anguished Woman

Unfortunately, anxious people always live in fear that something will go wrong and then find themselves overwhelmed by terrible anxiety.

Whoever has not suffered from this problem cannot put themselves in the shoes of an anxious person. Anxiety is sometimes referred to as a “silent epidemic”, as this research published in the journal  Psicología Científica specifies .

Whoever suffers from anxiety is going through a real ordeal because, in most cases, they do not know what is happening to them or why. It can be the consequence of an event that took place in the past or the consequence of an accumulation of things. Either way, these people need help.

People with anxiety need help

Some diseases can be detected at first sight. This is not the case with anxiety, nor with depression. It is therefore important to be understanding and to help in one way or another.

In the rest of this article, we give you some tips that will allow you to help people who suffer from anxiety:

Hugging couple

  • Be compassionate : Sometimes it’s just enough to be there and let someone with anxiety know that they can count on us if at any point they need it.
  • Understand that an anxious person cannot escape their anxiety : even if they want it more than anything, the anxious person cannot get rid of their anxiety.
  • Even the simplest thing overwhelms her : she is so outdated that anything and everything prevents her from taking action.
  • She cannot explain what is happening to her : sometimes the anxiety does not have a clear origin. We must then understand that what she is feeling is real.
  • She worries about ridiculous things, things that you think are futile, but that are not for her!
  • Advise them to seek professional help : The best recommendation you can give to someone with anxiety is to seek the help of a mental health professional.

When your mind is your best enemy

It is difficult to put yourself in the shoes of an anxious person, but we must make an effort to understand them and offer them our help as much as possible. It is not easy and we will not always understand it.

Have you ever been in contact with a depressed person? Just like people who suffer from anxiety, their behavior towards others causes these funds to leak. They don’t want that, but they feel so bad that they express their bad being in an inappropriate way.

When we have a problem in our head and fail to control it, it turns on us. Anxiety is a difficult problem to solve and the cause of which is difficult to pinpoint because, as discussed earlier, this cause often dates back years.

If you have suffered from anxiety or know someone who has, you now know that anxiety is experienced in secret and in silence. The person who has it also does not understand what is happening to them, but they need all your help and support to be able to overcome it.

Note: If you feel you need help, see a psychologist. This mental health professional can offer you therapy adapted to your situation. 

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