Magnesium Chloride Water For Anxiety And Weight Control

Although magnesium chloride has many medical benefits, it is best known to help with weight loss and cleanse toxins from the body without endangering health.

Do you know what magnesium chloride water is? These are water soluble salts with a sweet and bitter taste.

It is ideal for recovering the lost balance between sodium and potassium (in the current diet, the first is abundant while the second is in deficit).

In addition, magnesium water brings important benefits to enjoy good health.

However, there may also be some contraindications that you should be aware of. This will avoid possible side effects.

What is the use of magnesium chloride in magnesium water?

Magnesium chloride is made up of chlorine and magnesium.

  • You should know that, of all the magnesium in the body, almost 60% is found in the bones and 26% in the muscles.
  • The rest of the magnesium is found in soft tissue and body fluids.
  • One of the most important functions of magnesium is to remove the calcium that builds up in certain parts of the body and send it to the bones.

Benefits of magnesium chloride water for the body

  • Magnesium helps us strengthen bones and joints. Thus, it eliminates the calcium that accumulates in certain areas of the body, and carries it to the bones.
    Magnesium is used to decalcify the membrane of the joints.
    It is an effective remedy for  narrowing calcified aortic. In addition, it purifies the blood and helps prevent heart attacks.
  • It revives the organs of vital functions in the body (especially the glands). For example, it activates the kidneys to remove uric acid.
  • With magnesium, intellectual exhaustion is reduced, muscle atrophy is minimized and the body’s mineral imbalance is corrected.
  • The active ingredients of magnesium relieve fatigue and prevent prostate problems.
  • It is also an excellent natural tranquilizer. It helps us maintain the energy balance of neurons and acts on nerve transmission.
  • From the age of 40, magnesium is an essential mineral. Our body absorbs less food and the lack of nutrients can lead to several diseases, in addition to aging.
  • Since magnesium is mainly concentrated in the heart, liver, brain and kidneys, a deficiency can cause several conditions.

Magnesium against several diseases

Here are some examples of diseases that can be avoided with magnesium chloride:

  • According to some research, its daily consumption could prevent colorectal cancer.
  • It would also prevent prostate problems.
  • Magnesium prevents diabetes and improves the quality of life of those who suffer from it.
  • Regular consumption of magnesium prevents cardiovascular disease.
  • As we mentioned earlier, by preventing acid from depositing in the joints, magnesium prevents arthritis.
  • It is a very effective active principle in preventing digestive problems and intestinal imbalances.

Here are the other pathologies that can be alleviated by consuming magnesium chloride water:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Asthma
  • Arrhythmia
  • Tired
  • Hypertension
  • Stress

How to include magnesium chloride water in the diet for weight loss?


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of magnesium chloride (10 g)
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of bee honey (7.5 g)
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  • Put a spoonful of magnesium chloride in a glass of water and mix until it is well dissolved.
  • Then add the lemon juice, the spoonful of honey and if you wish, a few ice cubes.

How to consume it?

  • This home remedy should be consumed 4 times per week in a period of two months.
  • It is a diet supplement, so use it well to get the benefits of magnesium without endangering your health.
  • In order to avoid the unwanted effects of magnesium, take it after breakfast.

Warnings about magnesium chloride water

  • Magnesium chloride should not be confused with sodium chloride (the latter is salt).
  • Too much magnesium chloride in the diet can lead to complications. It acts as a laxative and can interrupt the absorption of nutrients.

There you go, you all know about magnesium chloride water!

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