Know That You Can’t Make Everyone Happy

It’s impossible to please everyone. We must therefore privilege ourselves above all, then those who matter to us and for whom we matter. These people must be our real goal.

We have all learned to make everyone in our personal and social circle happy.

However, not all of these values ​​are always logical and cannot be applied systematically.

It is not possible to make everyone happy, and neither is it desirable.

Maybe this surprises you, but you should know that in order to maintain personal balance, it is never good to offer happiness, for example, to people who do not deserve it. It is enough to show respect.

In life, you have to know how to set priorities. No one is selfish when they take care of themselves for their well-being and happiness.

It is only when we are good with ourselves that we are able to bring the best of ourselves to others.

Making everyone happy ends up destroying you

Making a person happy is not always easy. Why is it so hard to bring the best to everyone around us?

Not all people have the same values ​​as you.

For example, maybe you have a loved one you never got along with, someone who doesn’t respect your way of seeing the world, and who has criticized one of your choices.

  • It is not easy to make happy someone who does not respect you and who, far from bringing you reciprocity and understanding, brings you disappointments and criticisms.
  • You don’t have to give your best to someone who doesn’t recognize it. We run the risk of losing self-esteem.
  • Happiness is not something that one gives, as one receives or gives a gift.
    Bringing happiness is sometimes giving up certain things, freeing up personal time to spend it with others, paying attention to what you say, forgiving and worrying about others.
  • All of this involves great emotional energy. If every effort made is not recognized or even rejected, then this personal commitment will be worthless.

You may already be familiar with some of these situations.

Now, if you are one of those people who for much of their life gave the best of themselves for others, your heart must be scarred with more than one scar.

The most destructive acts are those which undermine a person’s good intentions, essence and self-esteem. Never forget this.

Make happy those who bring you happiness without asking for anything in return

You have to know that, even if we want to, we cannot do everything, nor please everyone.

For example, there are people who want to get along well with everyone and always have a kind word on their lips to define the people around them.

Having this type of behavior all the time ends up creating anxiety and frustration.

So, as with everything in life, it is necessary to establish priorities.

Our daily life is complicated enough to do things that are not worth it in the long run.

  • Someone who ignores you is not worth it.
  • Someone who does nothing for you, either emotionally or personally, is not worth it.
  • Someone who walks away from you, steals your time, and prevents you from doing what you genuinely love, is not worth it.
  • You don’t have to be condescending, but you shouldn’t say “yes” when you feel like saying “no”.
    It is important to be sincere with your every thought and emotion, using your assertion and courage every day, and showing that you are not afraid to speak up.

A time for oneself

So, apply this rule in your daily life: devote your time to the people who deserve it, always starting with yourself.

  • Cultivate personal satisfaction. Do what pleases you and what gives you real personal fulfillment.
  • Practice “relational economics”. Devote time, love, and effort to the people you want, who deserve it, and who really matter in your life.
  • Have no regrets or embarrassment if you don’t please everyone, or if you don’t do what others expect of you.
  • The world is not made to copy itself between us. Our wealth is precisely our ability to have different opinions, different behaviors and different points of view.

To be different and to speak in your own voice is to be authentic. If we respect each other, we will be able to build a better world.

Thus, we all have the right to be happy, without having to satisfy everyone around us. It is enough to respect oneself, and to know how to live with the others.

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