Jaxon Buell, The Baby Who Was Born Without Part Of His Brain And Who Defies Science Today

Although doctors warned them that their baby was suffering from deformities, the Buell family rejected the idea of ​​abortion and little Jaxon is now 13 months old.

Jaxon Emmett Buell, a baby who was born with a severe brain defect, has exceeded all medical prognosis expectations.

Today, he defies science since he has just blown out his first candle, although his life expectancy at birth was a few days or even a few weeks.

After numerous tests and various erroneous diagnoses, the specialists who followed this case were able to determine that he suffered from a defect called micro-hydrocephalus, which prevents the proper development of the brain.

This serious condition interfered in the formation of the cerebellum, which generates later consequences for balance and coordination.

In addition, his brainstem is thinner than normal, which has a negative impact on motor development.

Given the seriousness of the problem, his story has traveled the world and today he is known as the “miracle baby”.

Doctors continue to have little hope for his life expectancy, but since he has already lived a year, his parents believe he will be able to continue living.

Jaxon’s story

Brittany and Brandon Buell, Jaxon’s parents, are very happy to hear that they are expecting a baby.

However, after 17 weeks of gestation, they are alerted because a brain malformation of the fetus is noticed, which would reduce to the maximum the chances of survival of the child.

Before that, doctors gave them the option to terminate the pregnancy. But while being aware of the risks involved.

Brandon, the baby’s dad, said the decision to continue the pregnancy was made after asking doctors if the baby was going to be in pain and if it would endanger Brittany’s life.

Since the specialists answered no, the parents gave up on the idea of ​​abortion, but Brandon assures that if there had been a risk, the decision would have been quite different.

Since receiving the bad news and following the spread of this story on the internet, Brandon and Brittany have received heavy criticism calling them “selfish” because they allowed the baby to be born despite the fact that he was going to be very limited.

In this regard, Brandon Buell made the following statements to the British newspaper the Daily Mail :

“Who are we to decide? We were given a child, an opportunity, and we had to talk to him ”.

“When is choosing life a selfish and reprehensible act?” Added the progenitor.

Although many disagree, many people are moved by this story. And assure that it is one of the many miracles that science cannot explain.

A disease without a cure

For three weeks after his birth, Jaxon was hooked up to different machines in the intensive care unit. A while doctors tried to understand this disorder.

The specialists determined that the child would not be able to walk, hear, see or let them know he was hungry. And it was indeed so.

The baby should be fed through a feeding tube. And its limitations become more and more complicated over time.

Today, just over 13 months old, Jaxon is a survivor. But he must continue to fight all his health problems.

His parents received a lot of support via the “Jaxon Strong” Facebook page which has over 200,000 followers. And the GoFundMe web page which was used to raise nearly $100,000 in donations. All intended to finance medical treatment.

Jaxon’s disease has no cure today. E t even though it now has more than a year, life expectancy is very low.

The baby’s parents know they are going to need a miracle to keep their child. Since they are aware of the seriousness of this disease.

A happy life

Today, the Buells take care of him the best they can and enjoy every moment with their child.

The following message is part of the text that can be found on the websites we have discussed:

“Our amazing baby was born on August 27, 2014, and was diagnosed with micro-hydrocephalus. An extreme brain malformation for which there is no cure. Jaxon has already demonstrated how strong, intelligent and unique he is, by achieving this feat that doctors doubted he could succeed. It shows improvements every day. And has just reached a miraculous record by celebrating his first birthday ”. 

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