Is The Potato Good For Our Diet?

The potato is an excellent food surrounded by myths and untruths. It provides many nutrients. The question is how to cook it!

Do you want to know the benefits of potato if we include it in our regular diet? Is it true that it does not contain important nutrients for the body? Or can it make us fat if we consume it frequently?

These doubts and others may have invaded you when consuming this food. We explain here everything about it and the benefits it brings to your health.

Potato myths

To begin with, know that there are several myths about the potato. Among the most common, it is not uncommon to hear that it is a food that will make you gain pounds because it is composed mainly of sugars.

However, be aware that this tuber contains complex carbohydrates, which are more digestible, reduce blood sugar spikes and improve intestinal transit by providing fiber.

The potato is not only healthy, but it is also convenient to include it in the dishes that we eat. If you want to lose weight, a well-cooked potato will help.

Find out the truth about the potato

The truth about the potato

The potato is a kind of herbaceous plant belonging to the Solanaceae family . There are countless myths about this tuber, including that it does not provide any essential nutrients to our body.

However, the following percentages will show you the raw nutrient intake of this food, but also what it covers in terms of daily requirements. In 100 g of potato you can find:

  • Magnesium (6%)
  • Calcium (1%)
  • Phosphorus (8%)
  • Iron (14%)
  • Potassium (9%)
  • Vitamin B1 (6%), B2 (2%), B3 (7%), B6 ​​(19%)
  • Vitamin C (33%)

Preparation is fundamental

The potato contains only 15 grams of carbohydrates. This figure is very low compared to other foods like lentils (48g), pasta (70g), chickpeas (49g), brown rice (81g), beans (41g) and bread (47 g).

Having said that, it is interesting to wonder why it makes us gain weight if it is so low in carbohydrates. The problem is not with the food itself, but with the way you prepare it.

If we choose the wrong way to cook it, we would only multiply its calories. Pay attention to the numbers: 100 grams of raw potatoes provide 73 calories, 100 if roasted, and 75 if steamed or boiled.

On the other hand, 100 grams of frozen pre-fried potatoes contain 270 calories, while the same amount of homemade French fries contains 290 calories and bagged French fries contain 538 calories.

Why this drastic change in calories? The cooking method radically changes the nutritional value of this food… When potatoes go through the frying process, some of the water they contain evaporates and instead they absorb the oil ; the more they assimilate this substance, the more calories they receive.

Potatoes as part of a healthy diet

Potatoes and healthy food

In a healthy diet, the benefits of potatoes can be numerous. As we have already seen, it provides essential nutrients, fiber and complex sugars which improve our health. Intestinal flora, blood sugar and vitamin intake are just some of the benefits of potatoes.

Therefore, including this food as part of a healthy diet is more than recommended.

Yes, it is very important that you take into account the method of preparation. Choose methods other than deep frying, which increases the caloric value and reduces the benefits of this natural wonder.

Enjoy this delicious food in so many ways. From the main ingredient of the dish to the side dish, the potato is an essential part of our diet. In any case, if you have any doubts, consult your professional nutritionist to find out whether or not this may bring you any health benefits.

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