Is It Bad For Your Health To Wash Everyday?

In today’s article we will see if this claim is a myth or not.

It seems that washing every day would not be as good for your health as we thought.

We will give you some advice in order to have good hygiene.

As you may already know, a habit, however healthy it may start, can quickly turn out to be unhealthy if over-practiced.

This is why we must remain reasonable and remember that the best can sometimes be the enemy of the good.

In the case of our article on personal hygiene, the problem mainly comes from the fact that we tend not to realize this excess which we seek to avoid.

The important thing in hygiene is to find the right balance that will allow us to stay clean without causing damage to our body.

We already know that the skin is a vital organ in the temple that is our body.

In addition, the skin is not only the largest organ in “our temple”, but it is also the one that is most exposed to the bacteria around us.

We sometimes tend to wash ourselves several times a day, for various reasons such as being too hot for example.

Or even after playing sports. Who doesn’t appreciate a good hot shower to relax?

But be careful! Because as we told you above, excess can be harmful to health.  

3 reasons to stop increasing the number of showers and baths

Too much washing can be harmful to your health.

The components of the soaps we use

Perhaps you already knew that the majority of the soaps that we use contain a lot of chemicals such as parabens or xenoestrogens .

They also contain petroleum derivatives which, of course, are also bad for your health and can be the cause of certain cancers.

In addition, water in some parts of the world can receive excessive treatment that can also be harmful to our health, such as, for example, water too rich in fluorine.

Our skin is an important and complex organ. Let’s take care of it!

As we said before, the skin is the most important organ in our body. This is why we must take great care of it.

The skin is made up of sebum and other natural elements that can be greatly affected if we shower too often.

For this reason, it is better to avoid multiple showers and baths in the same day. It is necessary to preserve the bacterial flora of your skin, essential to protect it from external agents.

Some tips for hygiene adapted to our skin

Do not overuse hot water.

So we already know that showering every day doesn’t immediately affect us. Only an excess of showers, baths and chemical soaps during the same day can be harmful to us.

Here is now a series of tips to have good hygiene while taking care of our skin.

Do not abuse hot water

We all like to take a bath for no real reason, just to relax. However, don’t forget that putting your skin in hot water for too long can cause skin problems.

Also, if you want to enjoy a good hot bath, do so, but not too long and with water at moderate temperature.

Choose mild soaps with as few chemicals as possible

The best remaining is to choose natural or organic soaps.

Prefer to apply your face creams before the shower rather than after so that the skin does not absorb too many chemicals that can irritate the skin.

After applying your soap, or even your shampoo, rinse yourself thoroughly and for a long time. Make sure that there are no detergents residue that can dry out your skin.

We also advise you not to dry yourself too suddenly. Indeed, rubbing your towel on your skin weakens and dries it.

Instead, prefer gentle movements after applying a good moisturizer.

What temperature is recommended for washing?

Finally, to finish this article, it is important to know at what temperature we should wash.

If you want relatively cool water then 24 ° C is a good temperature for a shower or a bath.

Washing in cool water will tone your skin. If you prefer more temperate water then 30 ° C will be a more suitable temperature and will have the advantage of relaxing.

Also, water at 40 ° C will give you a refreshing effect, yes you read that right: refreshing!

This is due to the fact that at this temperature the body releases its own heat, thus generating a feeling of freshness. However, do not overuse the water that is too hot. 

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