If You Take Everything Personally, You Will Live Offended Forever

If you live offended all the time, you are hurting yourself. Learn to be flexible like bamboo and adapt to situations so they don’t get over you.

There are people who feel offended all the time. Instead of allowing themselves an existence in harmony with their own and with respect for those around them, they prefer to bump into a wall almost every moment. But being offended can be tiring.

Has the world ganged up against them to go against them? Not at all. In this subtle, complex world of emotions and personality, there are people who make offense into a habit.

Instead of seeing these people as problems, it is necessary to understand what is going on in them.

Hypersensitivity, low self-esteem, and lack of psychological resources make their thought patterns too harsh.

Any word, gesture or action is interpreted as an offense. This is where the essence of the problem lies.

It is a very reduced conception of oneself which sees problems where there are none and who sees hatred where it does not exist.

These personalities see storms when there is only sun. We suggest you think about this.

Being offended 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

“We can’t talk to you”. “You take it all wrong”. “You are impossible, it just gets worse and worse”.

If at any point you have been told these phrases, you may have felt bad. However, behind these claims lies a reality.

  • If those around us are having trouble interacting with us, something is going on. If they are not comfortable, if there is no harmony in the communication, or in the treatment, you have to know why.
  • Instead of thinking that “everyone around me hates me,” it is necessary to demonstrate deep and delicate thinking.
  • We will have to remove every layer of this “onion” that envelops us to know what is inside us.

In the rest of this article, we will find out what is going on inside those who feel eternally offended.

why is someone still offended?

It is possible that it is your projections that do not adjust to reality.

In a way, we all have an idea of ​​what other people should do, how they should treat us and how they should react to certain things.

First of all, it must be said that these projections are not always exact. Let’s see why.

  • The only thing that needs to be clear is how others are treating you. You deserve respect and you must demand it. It is a personal need that we all have.
  • But what the rest does or decides is not within our competence. Each person is free to decide what they want and to act as they wish, as long as there is respect.
  • If we are obsessed with our spouse behaving this or that way, we will have a really bad time.

To move forward with more calm and a certain inner balance, don’t expect anything from anyone, expect everything from yourself.

The world is not going against you: you must harmonize with the world

He who lives forever offended is like a stone or like an oak trunk. To understand it, try to visualize the following:

  • Imagine that you are a tree facing an ocean. The waters come and go, the wind is sometimes gentle, sometimes more intense. Sometimes this ocean caresses you but other times it whips you.
  • If you are a royal and firm tree, this ocean, its waves and its elements will eventually bring you to land. In such a setting, everything that is firm and everything that looks like stubbornness goes to the ground.
  • However, if you are like this flexible bamboo branch, you will dance with the wind and even the fiercest storm will not bring you down.

bamboo illustration

To live forever offended is to allow others to hurt us even more. Yet it is we who are the culprits.

  • Whoever feels offended for nothing creates mistrust.
  • If you still live in annoyance, your loved ones will stop feeling good with you and move away.
  • If you get upset when someone says kind words to you, you will create distance.

Love yourself a little more and stop the noise of your obsessive thoughts

The world doesn’t hate you. No one is against you. Do not accumulate annoyance where it is not, and do not see bad deeds where there is no intention of harming yourself.

  • Who does not love himself becomes demanding with others. Above all, he expects the rest to offer him what he does not give to himself: love, recognition, respect.
  • If we do not start working from the inside, we will project our darkest abysses outward until little by little our reality becomes hell.

It is not worth it. Say no to unnecessary suffering and don’t put out more fires with gasoline. Start by mending your wounds and give yourself all the love you need.

It is only when you love yourself enough that your world will start to move better and better.

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