If You Surrender Today, Your Efforts Of Yesterday Will Be Wasted

It doesn’t hurt to surrender if it’s to start over with even more force. The problem arises as soon as we surrender because we cannot find anything that motivates us and encourages us to move forward.

If you surrender, you limp. If you tell yourself that you can’t take it anymore and allow your hopes to turn to tears, everything you did yesterday, every barrier destroyed and every success you silently achieved will be of no use to you.

We have battles on our shoulders of which only we are aware.

You gave everything for your family, for your children, you struggled every day to give shape to this dream that you had in mind and that no one understood.

So… why are we surrendering? Why do we fall, bend our knees and let out a long sigh of discouragement?

Because of the lack of support, disappointments and emotional exhaustion.

Many may see you as a lion, as a being who is capable of anything and who never surrenders.

Yet sometimes this lion turns into a tired cat who just wants to curl up in a corner and sleep.

If this has happened to you one day, we suggest that you draw the courage from yourself.

We recommend that you do not surrender and do not allow yourself to be overcome with discouragement. We will explain how to achieve this.

If you surrender, nothing changes

Surrender is a word that sounds bad, lacks prestige and is associated with cowardice. We must not see it that way.

If you visit from time to time, this is normal and even advisable. Especially when it comes to accepting the obvious in the face of which we can do nothing.

“I surrender, I know that this person doesn’t like me and that I shouldn’t waste any more time with that”. “I have to face the facts: I am not made for this job and I must direct my abilities towards other professional fields”.

If you surrender, the lion stays with you.

  • Surrender will always be valid if we accept a reality to be more competent in our life. To realize that something was not done for us.
  • On the other side, there is undoubtedly this surrender which comes from the broken heart, from the fragmented mind which no longer has the strength or hope to face a concrete fact.

If we surrender, if we see ourselves as incapable of sustaining this personal battle, we have to realize that nothing is going to change.

  • We always stay in exactly the same place. Without being able to advance in our well-being or in this project which represents so much for us.

If you do go at some point, assess what the consequences are. Is giving up your goal a good solution?

A momentary surrender to prepare for battle

Take a case where we have surrendered. We feel saturated in our work and we say to ourselves: “I will never be promoted”.

  • We go with our children, we believe that they will never take it to the next level as they are unable to concentrate, be more responsible and make the most of their study hours.
  • Sometimes a momentary surrender allows us to take a step back. And to see things with more calm and less pressure.
  • When you surrender, you go through a period of inner calm and all of a sudden, without knowing how, you come together again.
    New ideas, better strategies and renewed dreams appear.
  If you surrender, it is to better prepare for the battle.

Keep calm and you will see how the bond is slowly coming back to you. 

The final victory is obtained with small daily triumphs

The winner is a dreamer who never surrenders. Thus, to achieve a goal, it is necessary to dream about it, to imagine it, to draw plans, to conceive strategies and above all, to envelop each desire with the breath of motivation.

  • The following must also be taken into account: the final triumph is achieved by obtaining many daily triumphs.
  • Sometimes we don’t see them because we are only focusing on a long term goal. Without getting the daily changes that we make.

In order not to surrender, we need a good attitude, confidence, self-esteem. And above all to be able to see that this personal struggle has a meaning and a purpose in which it is worth investing time and emotions.

So, as you wage a personal battle, remember that sometimes those around us can be an invaluable help or that roadblock that can put us off.

Listen to those who are closest to your heart and above all, follow your instincts, your inner voice.

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