I Like People Who Make Small Moments Big

Positive relationships help us neutralize stress and anxiety. Surrounding ourselves with optimistic people helps us to value the moments in life more and to derive the maximum benefit from it.

I like people who add value to moments of life, not those who take it away. I like people who are able to be optimistic when everything is dark.

They are people who enrich us and who invite us to imitate them, to grow with them. Indeed, they understand the language of difficulty. In addition, they came out of moments of personal complexity strengthened.

We are sure that around you you have people with these characteristics. They are not very numerous, of course, and you can surely count them on the fingers of one hand.

Do not worry, the beings who are significant are always there : they illuminate our daily life and give us strength when we need it most.

This is why we must not forget to take care of it. We have to make these moments with them become great moments.

The value of small moments

We live in quasi-automated societies. Habits and routines govern our daily life to the point where we do not let ourselves be carried away by the magic of the unexpected, the chaotic.

We have the feeling that if we don’t get out of the “rules”, schedules and habits that we have established, things are going to go badly. This is not true, we have to learn to be more flexible. Above all, we need to be receptive to the little details that can bring us genuine happiness.

woman holding a flower

Routine prevents us from seeing the magic of life

Do a little exercise. When you go out in the morning to go to work, to buy something to take your children to school, watch the people who spend their lives staring at the cell phone. It’s like their entire life depends on their screen.

  • Conversely, you will surely see people involved in rich conversations with a friend, a relative and even with a stranger.
  • Even though we are forced to stick to schedules, we need to be flexible and creative. We must allow ourselves certain freedoms, certain concessions.

Disrupted routines allow us to be more receptive to what surrounds us. We let ourselves be carried away by sensations and emotions, those that the most important people in our personal entourage are able to instill in us.

Turning moments into great moments

Sometimes, time disappears in the labyrinth of the unexpected when we are with someone who makes small moments great moments in life. We don’t always fully understand how they do it, but our worries disappear immediately, almost like magic.

  • Sharing time with people who don’t judge us, who allow us to be ourselves reaffirms us as a person.
  • Being with someone who is able to put problems into perspective, to teach us the positive side of things, has a relaxing effect on our brains. Endorphins appear. This feeling of well-being thus improves our mental health.
  • To feel listened to, to share rewarding moments where fears are rationalized, where worries are relieved and even, disappear. All of this allows us to cope with depressions or states of negativity.

friends standing at sunrise

Also read: Bad mood and chronic apathy: the hidden depression

Keeping a positive attitude is the key

We are grateful that other people give us their best to make us happy and provide us with a quality of life. But wouldn’t it be appropriate if we could do that as well?

Dare to become a person who transforms small moments into great moments. Stop thinking about life and just live it.

Today we read many self-help phrases, manuals and publications to learn how to be happy. However, we forget the most important thing: to live.

To savor the little moments, you have to live

There are those who get carried away by this kind of spiritual materialism that longs to find a balance, to heal themselves emotionally, to find out how to make their dreams come true. But in reality, they focus so much on themselves that they forget about others. It is not the right thing to do.

We must learn to find this balance in which we are comfortable with ourselves, but which also allows us to dare to live. We must learn not to see limits in our daily life and, above all, to understand that existence is much more beautiful if we share moments with the beings we love.

Happiness is not an entelechy, and it is not necessary to have magic formulas to achieve it. Happiness is above all the absence of fear, and therefore it will be very positive to take care of relationships, to share moments, time, details.

Don’t hesitate to relax. Escape the routine whenever possible. Have a great time with those friends, co-workers, partners or relatives who make your world really beautiful.

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