Hypochondria And Coronavirus: Everything You Need To Know

Anxiety caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge for everyone. Hypochondria and coronavirus are a combination that requires constant understanding and counseling from a psychotherapist.

Hypochondria is in the spotlight right now, due to the coronavirus pandemic. This manifests itself on several levels. In the mildest cases, there is suspicion of having contracted the virus and overinterpretation of any compatible symptoms, such as a simple sneeze.

In the most severe cases of hypochondria and coronavirus, the affected person is most likely a carrier of the disease. She may even develop many of her symptoms, but she is actually healthy. These people suffer a lot because they come to believe that they are sick and that they are not being properly cared for.

We must keep in mind that the current pandemic has had consequences of various kinds, especially on the mental and emotional level. The bombardment of information, as well as the generalized state of alert, contribute to a more or less continuous stress. Which, in turn, easily leads to the phenomenon of hypochondria.

Hypochondria and coronavirus

A man with cold hands

Hypochondria is defined as a mental disorder, the main characteristic of which is the fear of getting sick. This fear leads these people to continuously analyze all their physiological symptoms and to interpret them repeatedly as the symptoms of some pathology.

There are many cases where hypochondria results in the development of physical symptoms as such, mainly specific pain and certain types of paralysis, among others. The goal of a person affected by this problem is not to deceive others; in fact, she is sure she is ill.

The COVID-19 pandemic is another fear factor that we talk about all the time. Under these conditions, it is logical that there is an increase in the pair hypochondria and coronavirus. In other words, the current situation is a factor that increases symptoms in most hypochondriacs.

Pandemic increases anxiety

Anxiety is a phenomenon that expresses itself in many ways and gives rise to various types of disorders. The most common in all of these cases is a disproportionate fear of the future or, in other words, the expectation of threat and great evil.

Under normal conditions, an anxious person fears what can happen, even if there is no sign of danger or risk. However, in the current situation there is a risk that can actually lead to serious damage.

This situation is compounded by widespread uncertainty, as, at least for now, no concrete solution is in sight. This causes all of us to develop some level of anxiety, and people with anxiety, including hypochondriacs, increase it considerably.

Somatization and hypochondria

Hypochondria and the coronavirus

A psychologically stable person has reasonable worry about what is going on. She is uncomfortable hearing the information about the contagion and the victims, but then she can regain her normal mood and occupy her mind with other things.

A person who already has the germ of anxiety, even if it is not pathological as such, may have difficulty in this kind of situation. For example, obsessive interest in the subject and the care or somatization of the disease, that is, suspecting that she is showing symptoms of the disease without any real basis.

In the latter case, confirmation will most likely be sought by means of a thermometer, for example, or by examining in detail the possible symptoms of a cough or cold. After doing this, the person often realizes their error in judgment, although they may repeat the same error.

The case of hypochondriacs is the most serious. This possibility of assessing the situation and reaching a reasonable conclusion is greatly weakened there. Rather, they will feel that they are indeed sick and are also victims of the neglect of others, by not confirming and not treating the infection.

What to do in case of hypochondria and coronavirus?

To the most recommended care measures, such as confinement, social distancing and hand washing, another must be added. That of taking care of the mind. Moments like this test the balance between reason and emotion.

It is therefore an aspect that must be protected, in particular by not letting itself be absorbed by catastrophic information. Of course, you can’t turn your back on them and pretend it’s all right, but it’s important to limit the times when you can get information and the times when you can focus on other things. Breathing, exercise and meditation help a lot.

In the case of hypochondriacs, it is very important not to contradict their ideas. Indeed, this only increases their feeling of not being protected. The important thing is to keep the drugs and contact with a psychotherapist so that he can guide them on what to do.

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