How To Remove Dental Plaque At Home

You have to take care of dental plaque.

Dental plaque is a sticky, smooth film formed by bacteria. It increases quite quickly and is then fixed on the teeth.

The bacteria in dental plaque can cause cavities, as well as disease related to the gums. This is especially the case if they are not removed daily with good brushing and the use of dental floss.

This problem is partly responsible for bad breath. It can also lead to much more serious pathologies, such as gingivitis or periodontal disease.

When we eat, the plaque bacteria use the sugars we ingest to produce acids that can corrode tooth enamel.

If these bacteria are not eliminated in time, tooth enamel can be completely eroded, and a hole can form in the tooth.

In addition to the unsightly appearance, this cavity will also cause bad breath.

The plaque is very difficult to perceive. Indeed, it is colorless and merges with other dental residues. However, as it accumulates, it becomes more identifiable.

It forms like a kind of white and thick deposit, made up of food, which attaches to the teeth.

The plaque is growing day by day and can lead to many oral problems.

For this reason, it is important to have good daily hygiene reflexes. In this article, we are going to give you some home remedies that will help you get rid of dental plaque.

Tips for preventing and treating dental plaque

To prevent and treat dental plaque, it is very important to have good oral hygiene habits, to facilitate the elimination of the bacteria that cause this problem.

Brush your teeth properly

Brushing your teeth is one of the best ways to get rid of the bacteria that promotes the development of dental plaque.

However, many people don’t do it right. This reduces the effectiveness of the gesture to fight bacteria.

To start, choose a brush with round and soft bristles, to protect the tissue of your gums. Also opt for a fluoride toothpaste, labeled ADA (American Dental Association).

When brushing your teeth, hold your brush as if it were a pen. Make small circular motions on one or even two teeth, at most. Repeat the operation on each of your teeth.

Use dental floss

Many people do not use dental floss in their oral hygiene routine, not knowing that it is essential for eliminating as much bacteria as possible.

It is also very important to use it properly to optimize its action.

To do this, take 45 cm of dental floss, wrap each end on your fingers, until there is only 2.5 cm of distance between them, and start passing the dental floss between each of your teeth. .

Make a downward movement for your upper teeth, and upward for your lower teeth.

Take mouthwashes after every meal

After each meal, it is very important to rinse your mouth well, so as to remove all the food particles that are stuck between the teeth.

You can use an industrial mouthwash, or make your own with a volume of water, and a volume of hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide).

Home remedies to remove dental plaque

If dental plaque is affecting your oral health, these home remedies will help you fight it effectively. 

Recipe No. 1

To prepare this remedy, you will need 15 grams of walnut shell, and a little water. Put the shells and water in a saucepan, and boil for 15 minutes.

After this time, let the mixture sit to cool, then dip your toothbrush in it.

Brush your teeth with this remedy for 5 minutes, and repeat the operation three times a day.

Recipe No. 2

This recipe combines the properties of sunflower seeds with those of lime blossoms, in order to improve your dental health. 

To prepare it, you must cook 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds with 2 tablespoons of lime flowers, in half a liter of water.

Let everything cook over low heat for 30 minutes, then brush your teeth with this mixture after each meal.

Recipe No. 3

Apple vinegar

Apple vinegar can also be of great help in fighting bacteria that cause dental plaque.

A good option may be to rinse your mouth with apple cider vinegar and immediately afterwards with water.

You can also use a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar, in equal parts, and use it as a classic mouthwash.

Recipe No. 4

To prepare this ultimate remedy, you will need a spoonful and a half of wild wormwood leaves, and 2 deciliters of fermented wine.

Let the mixture sit for 2 hours, then strain and use the resulting liquid to brush your teeth.

  • Carvalho, JC, Van Nieuwenhuysen, JP, & D’Hoore, W. (2001). [Oral hygiene and gingival condition among 12-year-old children in the Brussels Region]. Belgian Journal of Dental Medicine .
  • Ousehal, L., Lazrak, L., Es-Said, R., Hamdoune, H., Elquars, F., & Khadija, A. (2011). Assessment of dental plaque control in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances: clinical study. International Orthodontics .
  • M., M. (1991). Chemical control of plaque: comparative review. Belgian Journal of Dental Medicine. Belgisch Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde .

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