How To Relieve Endometriosis The Natural Way

Reducing our caffeine intake and eating more fruits, fresh vegetables can help relieve the pain caused by endometriosis.

Endometriosis is a fairly common condition, which can cause a lot of pain in women who suffer from it. Fortunately, by following a proper diet and following a few natural remedies, one can relieve endometriosis.

As you read this, you will learn more about endometriosis and the various natural treatments that have been found to be effective by many women. And so you will be able to relieve endometriosis easily.

What is endometriosis?

A woman is said to have endometriosis when the tissue that covers the inside of the uterus (the one that breaks off and bleeds during menstruation) proliferates on nearby areas. For example on the ovaries, the fallopian tube or even on the bladder or the intestine.

The inflammation also spreads to these areas during menstruation, causing severe pain and additional bleeding. The main symptoms of endometriosis are most often the following:

  • Intense pelvic pain,
  • Cramps in the pelvis area during menstruation or chronic pain. Pain and cramps can affect your back or thighs.
  • Very heavy periods.
  • Painful stools or pain during intercourse , especially during the week before the onset of menstruation.
  • Nausea, dizziness and vomiting, which occurs during the days before the menstrual period.

While the cause of endometriosis is unclear, experts believe it could be a hormonal imbalance. It is likely that excessive estrogen production is one of the causes of this disease.

The positive effects of a balanced diet

Eating a balanced and healthy diet is the first recommendation to take into account to relieve endometriosis and its symptoms in a natural way. Here are some great tips to follow:

  • First, avoid excessive consumption of dairy products and meat. Much of the dairy and meat products available on the market contain xenoestrogens. These hormones can increase the pain caused by endometriosis.
  • Avoid coffee and cola drinks . These drinks contain caffeine which can negatively influence the symptoms described above.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables every day.  This will also allow you to increase the amount of fiber and vitamins ingested at the same time. Fiber helps improve intestinal transit and also helps reduce inflammation. Certain vitamins may also help relieve endometriosis.

eat fruit to relieve endometriosis

  • Eat more foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids help control the production of prostaglandins, the hormones that cause period pain.
    Foods like tuna, sardines, flax seeds, golden flax, and pumpkin seed oil are found in this food category.

Other tips to relieve endometriosis

Here are some more recommendations that can help you relieve these symptoms in a natural way:

  • Exercise to deal with stress. Prolonged stress can cause hormonal imbalance that can increase pain. Doing yoga or doing breathing exercises to release stress will also help you feel better.
  • Do acupuncture sessions. It is an ancient Chinese technique. Its effectiveness in reducing pain in all situations has been demonstrated.
  • Get heat therapy. Just when you experience cramps and period pain, apply a warm compress to the painful area. This will help relax the muscles and thus decrease the pain.

In any case, if the symptoms persist or become too severe, the best thing to do is to see your doctor.

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