How To Regulate Your Blood Sugar Levels

Since cinnamon significantly reduces sugar, it is important that you see your doctor in case you are undergoing any other treatment for the same purpose.

Diabetes is a metabolic disease due to which the person suffers from too high blood sugar levels. It usually occurs as a result of insufficient insulin production or a problem with the cells of the body.

Sedentary lifestyle and poor diet are the main causes of this health problem. It affects a very large number of people.

According to several studies, in 2013, more than 382 million people were diagnosed with diabetes worldwide. The figure is constantly increasing. 

This health problem can be controlled. However, it is very important that the patient is also engaged. Indeed, it is necessary to completely eliminate all types of sugars from your diet, since they can make the situation worse.

Treatment of a person with diabetes should be monitored to ensure that blood sugar levels are stable.

Although it is necessary to undergo treatment and medical supervision, it is also possible to use some home remedies that can help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

Control diabetes with just 2 ingredients

This diabetes treatment offers to use only the following two very economical ingredients:

  • cinnamon
  • clove

These two ingredients have been the subject of much research. They have been shown to have positive effects on people who have diabetes.

Cinnamon to regulate blood sugar levels

A recent study found that cinnamon has properties that can help patients with type 2 diabetes.

This is because people with type 2 diabetes who have consumed cinnamon for an extended period have been successful in lowering their blood sugar levels and controlling their cholesterol levels.

The cinnamon thus improve the ability to regulate sugar and also the effectiveness of insulin.

Frequent consumption of cinnamon helps activate enzymes essential for the body. Indeed, they stimulate the receptors of the cells so that they respond as efficiently as possible to insulin.

Cloves to regulate blood sugar levels 

The Clove is a spice quite popular worldwide thanks to its attractive smell and delicious taste that blends perfectly with many dishes.

However, in addition to the taste virtues of this spice, cloves have multiple medicinal properties.  Among these is its ability to reduce high blood sugar levels.

Clove is a spice with a strong antioxidant power, given that it provides us with 80 mg of vitamin C every 100 grams, in addition to containing carotene, vitamin E, selenium and a large amount of minerals. essential, fiber and phytosterols.

How to regulate blood sugar levels with cinnamon and cloves?

Regulate blood sugar levels with cinnamon.

If you have been convinced by the virtues of cinnamon and cloves for limiting blood sugar levels, now we can show you how to prepare this powerful remedy for controlling  diabetes. 


  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • 60 grams of cloves
  • 1 liter of water

How to prepare it?

Combine all the ingredients in a container and store the liquid in the refrigerator for 4 to 5 days. Once the time has passed, strain the mixture and drink ½ cup per day.


Contraindications for the remedies against the level of sugar in the blood.

Take into account that not all people can consume this cinnamon and clove remedy. Indeed, it can sometimes have side effects.

Before taking this remedy, it is important to know the following information:

  • Cinnamon can make liver problems worse.
  • This remedy can significantly reduce blood sugar levels. It should therefore be taken with caution in the event that other drugs or supplements with the same purpose are ingested.
  • Some commercial types of cinnamon have a compound called cumaru. The latter can decrease the ability of the blood to clot. It is very important to get a very good quality cinnamon.
  • If the doctor has diagnosed you with diabetes, it is important to consult before consuming this natural remedy.

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