How To Prevent Toenail Fungus?

It is very important that we use shoes that allow our feet to breathe, and that we avoid walking barefoot in crowded places. Do not lend your shoes under any circumstances to run no risk.

Toenail fungus is one of the most common infections and one that we pay little attention to until it becomes serious.
You must know that the development of a yeast infection is very slow : it usually lasts 3 times longer than the growth of a normal nail.
This makes it very difficult to detect these abnormalities growing on our feet. We often realize this when the mycosis is totally present and we must then use great means to cure them.

The scientific name given to mycoses is onychomycosis. Its total eradication is relatively complicated because of the time it takes to overcome it, whether you use a natural or allopathic method.

The causes of nail fungus.


One of the causes that cause these yeast infections is  sweating, so they are more common in summer when the feet are more exposed to humidity. Going to swimming pools or showers significantly favors the appearance of this infection.

As you probably know, yeast infection easily reproduces in damp places. You must therefore be careful to dry your feet well.

Symptoms of nail fungus

The main symptoms of yeast infection are color change, nail enlargement and a strong odor. You should also know that yeast infection does not only reproduce on the nails. But also between the toes where they must also be treated quickly in order to avoid any type of complications.

The growth of a nail with yeast infection is very slow, which can allow detection of infection. However, it’s when the nail starts to change color and grow significantly that you can really start to wonder.

This is why we recommend that you remain attentive to any changes. Since this can be decisive when it comes to preventing any type of infection or disease.

If you are lucky enough to detect the fungus early on, see a podiatrist to remove the pieces of damaged nails and a healthy nail can then emerge.

Maybe you are not happy with this method. But be aware that if you have a yeast infection, you will need to go through this step to eradicate it completely. If you don’t do the right thing, it can get worse and become much more of a hassle.

How to protect your feet from nail fungus?

How to protect your feet from nail fungus?

  • It is important to regularly use shoes that promote ventilation of the feet since yeast infection thrives more easily in darkness, humidity and heat. Remember to ventilate your feet often.
  • Do not walk barefoot in high traffic areas such as showers in gym locker rooms, swimming pools etc.
  • Constantly dry your feet after every shower or even as soon as you feel they are wet.
  • Occasionally, expose your feet to the sun to help eradicate this discomfort.
  • If possible, do not share your shoes because yeast infection is contagious.

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