How To Prepare A Natural Shampoo

When you start using this vinegar and baking soda shampoo, you may notice that your hair is oilier and you have more dandruff. However, once your hair gets used to this new way of washing it will look healthy again.

Nowadays we use all types of personal hygiene products which are synthetic and all contain chemicals. So we can say that they are not really very healthy, whether it is for our body, our hair or our nails. Using a natural shampoo can thus make it possible to beautify our hair.

Many chemicals pass through our pores, and they can even reach our bloodstream.

If you are looking for natural alternatives to replace your shampoo, read this article carefully!

Essential oils useful for hair:

“Eco-friendly shampoos” (as they are called) are made with plant and natural ingredients. They are then flavored with essential oils. The problem is, they can be a bit too expensive. But don’t worry, there is a very simple solution!

It is enough to recover the recipes used by our ancestors. For example, you can wash your scalp and strands with apple cider vinegar and baking soda. In just a few minutes, you will get wonderful results.

You can also add some essential oils to “hide” the strong smell of the vinegar. For example, tea tree oil is great for dandruff, and rosemary oil takes care of hair loss. Lavender oil, on the other hand, relaxes the scalp.


Natural shampoo with vinegar and baking soda

Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a cup of lukewarm water until the product is well blended. Then fill a plastic bottle with this mixture. For example, you can use an empty shampoo bottle.

To apply this natural shampoo, you must first moisten your hair. Then pour the first mixture and massage gently. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water. You may notice that your hair will be a bit rough, don’t worry!

It should be applied in the same way as the first mixture and above all, rinse well at the end.

To adapt to this new form of care, your hair will then generate a natural protective layer. For a few weeks, you may notice oilier hair and more dandruff too.

Recipe for natural and homemade shampoo with aloe vera

Aloe vera is a miraculous plant that contains many skin softening properties. This is why it is used to make the base of a natural shampoo recipe.

You will then need four ingredients: glycerin (5 ml), aloe vera gel (one tablespoon), liquid soap (60 ml) and vegetable oil (1 ml).

You can find all of these products in health food stores.  However, you will need to remove the flesh from the plant to use it.

You can also add a few drops of essential oils to this natural shampoo. This will give it a good smell.

Mix all the ingredients and place them in a container. Stir with a spoon or a whisk. Then you can add the essential oil you prefer. You will then have a preparation of approximately 120 ml.

Pour this mixture into a plastic or glass bottle; you can use a funnel to make it easier to do. The most important thing is to close this bottle well, so you need a good cap.

Keep it aside and use it every time you wash your hair.

You can use it every day, but know that to have a better scalp, it is better to wet it only every day and a half or even every other day.

Before using the aloe vera shampoo, shake the bottle a bit, as the ingredients separate after a few weeks.

Homemade natural chamomile shampoo recipe

You’ve probably used chamomile to wash your hair before. To make this wonderful recipe, you need the following ingredients:

1 liter of sodium lauryl ether sulfate, 1 cup of purified water, 20 g of chamomile (or 4 tea bags), ¼ teaspoon of olive oil, ¼ teaspoon of cetyl alcohol, 1 glass container with a capacity of 2.5 liters, a funnel and a plastic bottle with a capacity of one liter.

natural shampoo

Heat the water in a saucepan. When it begins to boil, prepare the chamomile infusion. Cover the pan and let stand for five minutes (the heat should then be turned off). Add cetyl alcohol and oil.

Pour the sodium sulfate into a glass container and then add the prepared mixture. Shake the bottle to obtain a homogeneous preparation. Then, pour everything into the plastic bottle.

This homemade chamomile shampoo can be stored for six months. It should always be kept in a cool place in the bathroom.

It will save you 25% money and the ingredients in it will be much less toxic than those in store products.

Honey shampoo recipe

For this homemade shampoo you will need liquid Castile soap, pure honey and water. Then pour half a cup of soap and half a cup of water into a bottle, and also add a whole cup of honey.

The bottle should close with a screw cap. Shake it gently so that everything mixes well. Wash your hair as you normally would, but leave it on for about 10 minutes for the remedy to take effect. Then rinse!

There is also another option. It consists of mixing ¼ cup of honey, 2 tablespoons of water, 2 tablespoons of liquid Castile soap, 1 large egg, 1 tablespoon of witch hazel, 1 teaspoon of rose water and 1 tablespoon of wheat germ.

Pour all this into a bottle with a stopper. This mixture is applied to the hair like a regular shampoo.

Photographs courtesy of Kim, Jun Seita, Pete.

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