How To Prepare A Mushroom Cream?

Mushrooms are a great addition to the kitchen. We show you how to prepare mushroom cream with a simple and delicious recipe.

Do you like cream of mushroom? Mushrooms are a very useful product in the kitchen. Their mild flavor and special texture make them the protagonists of a large number of delicious dishes. In the mushroom world, they are kings.

So we will show you how to prepare an exquisite cream of mushroom with a few simple steps. We assure you that the result will be a success!

Cream of mushroom recipe

Mushrooms are distinguished by their special flavor and nutrient content. According to  a study published in Nutrition Research, its consumption could be beneficial in regulating the levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it should be noted that they are low in calories.

In addition,  data published in United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),  reveals that this food contains key nutrients like copper, potassium, folic acid and niacin. It is therefore worthwhile to introduce them into our diet. To prepare this cream of mushroom recipe  for four people, we will need the following ingredients:


  • 1 lemon (50 g)
  • One onion (60 g)
  • 1 branch of parsley (1 g)
  • Salt and black pepper
  • 4 cups of whole milk (1 liter)
  • 1 cup of cottage cheese (100 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of butter (20 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (20 ml)
  • 4 cups of mushrooms (400 g)

mushroom cream

Mushroom cleaning

  • First, and before you start cooking this cream of mushroom, clean them properly to get the best possible taste. To do this, start by cutting the trunk, since this is the area that will have the greatest amount of accumulated soil.
  • Then put them in a bowl with water until they are completely covered, but without allowing them to soak for too long. Once moistened,  dry them thoroughly with a clean cloth. Use gentle circular motions to remove any remaining soil.
  • For greater precision when removing soil from the mushrooms, use a  clean toothbrush to  scrub them completely. Wet the brush beforehand with water and rub gently.
  • The downside of the latter method is that we have to clean the mushrooms one by one, which will be a bit tedious. Once clean, put them in a colander and run them under the water tap, without too much intensity,  for a few seconds. In the meantime, it will be important to shake the sieve energetically so that the water reaches every nook and cranny.
  • Finally, rub them again, this time with your hands.  This way you will be able to remove the last remnants of dirt from their surface. Once ready, cut them to start with the cream recipe.

Preparation of the mushroom cream

  • To start this recipe, heat the olive oil and  a tablespoon of butter  in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Once the butter is melted and properly mixed with the oil, add the onion, previously cut into small cubes.

mushroom cream

  • Stirring occasionally, let the onions brown for 5 to 8 minutes. Once the onions are cooked,  add another spoonful of butter and let it melt.
  • After this second spoonful, throw the mushrooms previously cut into cubes or slices. Leave to brown for about 6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Once they have reached their cooking point and have softened enough, add a few dabs of salt and black pepper to taste.
  • To finish, then add the parsley and the milk well mixed. Without stopping stirring, continue to heat the mixture until it begins to boil.  At this point, lower the heat to minimum, cover the pot and let heat for about 20 minutes.

Preparation of cottage cheese

  • While the mixture of mushrooms and milk is cooking, prepare the cottage cheese. In another bowl, mix this cheese with salt, black pepper, a  few zest of the lemon skin and a piece of the parsley branch without chopping it.
  • Mix this mixture so that all the ingredients are homogeneous and taste everything to make sure it is well salted. Once ready, remove the parsley  and pour the mixture into a mixing glass. In fact, reserve a few spoonfuls of this cottage cheese for the end of the dish.

Finishing the cream of mushroom

  • In the same mixing glass, add all of the mixture from the saucepan, when its cooking time is over.
  • Mix until you obtain a homogeneous texture  without lumps, to which you can continue to add salt and pepper until it is adapted to your taste.

To finish, serve the cream of mushroom very hot and decorate its surface with a spoonful of fromage blanc in the center,  surrounded by slices of mushrooms and a touch of parsley. Enjoy your meal !

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