How To Naturally Reduce Triglycerides

We must modify our diet to favor the consumption of monounsaturated fatty acids such as olive oil or fatty fish, and avoid industrial sugars, as well as food from fast food.

Triglycerides are a type of fat that comes mostly from foods of animal origin. The recommended level of triglycerides is 150 mg / dl at most, knowing that from 200 mg / dl doctors start to see this as a health problem.

There are several ways to overcome this problem, but the most important thing to remember is that everything must be done to lower triglycerides in order to stay healthy. This is why today, we offer you some tips to regulate your triglyceride level naturally.

Some tips for lowering triglycerides

Too high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood can, depending on your original situation, put your health at risk to a greater or lesser extent. Without a doubt, the best way to improve your triglycerides is to change your eating habits and follow a healthy diet.

To do this, all you need to do is increase your fiber intake by adding whole grains, or even oats, to your diet so that their fiber absorbs fat.

In addition, certain vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, as well as certain fruits such as apple or orange can also prove to be good allies in your food rebalancing.

Reduce or even eliminate bread, pasta, salty snacks, pastries, fried foods and alcohol which, in addition to not providing any nutritional benefit to your health, tend to increase your fat levels in the blood.

You can change these foods to whole grain products, which are much more beneficial for your health.


Foods to lower triglycerides

Other types of foods can also help increase your triglycerides. Also, we recommend that you stay away from refined sugars. Instead, prefer stevia to sweeten your desserts.

Likewise, choose fruit juices without added sugar, or low in fat. Even if the best choice is still to squeeze your juices yourself. Finally, to calm your cravings for industrial pastries, choose instead a fruit or dark chocolate (minimum 70%).

Take all your dairy products in their skimmed or low-fat version (milk, cheese, butter, yogurt). To season your salads and dishes, opt for olive oil, which is healthier and tastier, which will prevent you from wanting to add mayonnaise for example.

Finally, prefer lean meat and avoid excessively fatty products such as those from fast food restaurants for example.

As for the charcuterie, the latter is your main enemy in your fight against triglycerides! Eat turkey, lean ham, but leave salami, chorizo ​​and the like for holiday meals.

And if you really like ham or sausages, go for those with turkey or chicken and low in salt.

Favor healthy consumption

Increase your consumption of monounsaturated fatty acids contained in olive and rapeseed oil; fatty fish such as cod, sardines, tuna, salmon, mackerel, etc. ; or in dried fruits. All of them are full of Omega 3 fatty acids which are good for your health.

Also, keep in mind that people with triglyceride problems are not necessarily overweight or obese, although they, too, need to be in control of their diet.

To reduce your fat intake, we also advise you to cook on the grill, barbecue or plancha, steam can also be a good solution to cook your food without fat. You can also, and ideally, eat your food raw!

In all cases, avoid dishes in sauce, fried, as well as prepared, breaded, or frozen dishes. Finally, always take care to remove the fat from the meat and the skin from the chicken.

Other recommendations not to be overlooked

Alcohol, for cases of high triglycerides, is really not recommended, unless it is a single glass of red wine consumed during the meal which, in turn, will be beneficial for your cardio health. vascular.

Likewise, if you smoke, try to quit this bad habit. Thus, it will bring about drastic and beneficial changes in the condition of your body in general.

For natural remedies to decrease excess triglycerides, you can eat one clove of garlic every day. Thanks to its multiple properties, it will help you maintain a stable triglyceride level.

Another homemade recipe is to mix two tablespoons of oats in a glass of water and let sit overnight.

Drink this mixture in the morning. Thus, the fibers contained in this oat water absorb fat and cholesterol. Finally, an infusion of mandarin or orange peel can also be very beneficial for your health.

Remember to drink plenty of water every day. If needed, there are now mobile applications that will remind you to drink your daily water intake. (2 liters in winter, 3 liters in summer).

Dietary advice

From a dietetic and nutritional point of view, it would also be wise to consult a nutritionist. Indeed, he will advise you on the best way to create a balanced diet that suits your state of health.

It will be even more effective if you are overweight or obese.

Green vegetables

The recommended daily calorie intake for a woman of average height and weight is 1,200 calories. For men it is 1800 calories.

Eat smaller portions and leave your plates empty, avoid snacking before bed, and prefer real healthy and balanced snacks between meals to snacking.

Moderate exercise is an important part of your triglyceride regulation process.

You can start with walking three times a week. Then, progress over time by increasing the intensity of the exercises in accordance with your physical state at the time.

Only 20 or 30 minutes is enough. But do not forget to vary the physical activities which can be real sports such as dancing, cycling or even the stationary bike.

So, focus on everyday activities like climbing the stairs rather than taking the elevator. But also cleaning your house, mowing the lawn, etc.

Finally, as we told you above, stop smoking! Tobacco has, in fact, harmful consequences on cholesterol. In addition, it will make playing a sport much more difficult.

By quitting smoking, you can only have positive effects on your whole body. You will see the difference in the heart, lungs and even the skin.

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