How To Make Eco-friendly Detergent With Borax And Sodium Bicarbonate

Mixing borax with sodium bicarbonate allows us to get an effective detergent for washing clothes and doing various household chores. Besides, this eco-friendly product is environmentally friendly and does not affect health.

With the new ecological trend that aims to take care of the environment, we are increasingly using many cleaning formulas based on natural products. These are used to replace many chemicals and industrial products that are extremely harmful to health. Eco-friendly, organic detergent made with borax and sodium bicarbonate is one of the best options out there for washing your clothes perfectly.

Its ingredients are characterized by astringent and whitening properties, ideal for removing tough dirt and stains. In addition, its compounds are gentle on fabrics and help preserve clothing colors for longer.

In fact, this eco-friendly borax and sodium bicarbonate product makes it easier to remove tough stains and neutralize unpleasant odors caused by mold and sweat. Haven’t tried it yet? So, don’t waste a minute and find out how to make this great eco-friendly detergent.

Today we explain to you in this article what is the secret of this detergent and how it works. Learn how to make this eco-friendly detergent yourself in a few simple steps and save a lot of money! Take note of all our advice.

Ecological detergent based on borax and sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate and borax have been used for house cleaning since ancient times. In fact, many of today’s conventional products contain most of their components as an active ingredient.

However, some people prefer to continue using them in their natural state, because this way they avoid contamination of the environment and are not harsh on the skin.

In addition, these products are very inexpensive and do not have a single use. Why are borax and sodium bicarbonate so recommended? Find out all the explanations in this article and start making your own homemade eco-friendly detergent.

Benefits of borax for cleaning

Benefits of borax for cleaning

Use borax as an ecological detergent to perfectly clean laundry  but also to disinfect other surfaces in the house.

Borax, the full name of which is sodium borate decahydrate, is a naturally occurring mineral used in the manufacture of cleaning products. Unlike other chemicals, it is not harmful to the environment and works against various types of dirt.

Commercial or industrial borax is often in the form of a saline, odorless and colorless powder. It is recognized as being a good detergent and an excellent antiseptic. It was once used for laundry laundering. Borax, mainly thanks to its biocidal and disinfection properties, is used as an additive in the manufacture of soaps.

This product is obtained from the repeated evaporation of saltwater lakes and is common in America, Romania and Turkey. Although non-toxic in small amounts, handling with gloves and other protective gear is still recommended.

This powder is able to dissolve grease, stains and odors from clothes. You just need to place a little borax with lukewarm water on the stain and rub hard to thoroughly clean your clothes.

The properties of borax remove the remains of perspiration and other particles which gradually leave stains that are difficult to erase. It also contains powerful microbial properties that help kill dust mites and other microorganisms. Interestingly, borax has other uses, it also makes it possible to treat wood against xylophagous insects but also to fight against ants, cockroaches, cockroaches.

In summary, the main properties of borax serve are useful for:

  • Remove dirt and stains from clothes
  • Remove limescale from toilets and bathtubs
  • Neutralize bad smells
  • Clean floors and kitchens
  • Remove rust or mold stains

Benefits of sodium bicarbonate for cleaning

Benefits of sodium bicarbonate for cleaning with eco-friendly detergent

Use baking soda to make a very economical homemade eco-friendly detergent that also protects the environment.

Sodium bicarbonate is one of the green cleaning products that continues to be widely used as a solution for many household chores. Thanks to its  great whitening and disinfecting properties, it is excellent for perfectly cleaning many surfaces in the house.

In addition, used as a detergent, it helps take care of clothes and all types of fabrics. Not only does it remove dirt, but also improves colors and helps remove possible bad odors. It also helps remove stubborn stains and also makes white colors brighter.

In summary, sodium bicarbonate is widely used for cleaning laundry but is also used for many other household tasks, such as:

  • Remove sweat stains from clothes
  • Remove the yellowish appearance of white clothes
  • Eliminate mold that accumulates in the washing machine
  • Soften fabrics
  • Clean kitchens, walls and floors
  • Shine metal surfaces
  • Remove stains from carpets
  • Eliminate unpleasant odors

How to prepare this ecological detergent at home?

Substitute chemicals and prepare your own homemade eco-friendly detergent thanks to the properties of borax and sodium bicarbonate.

To prepare this ecological detergent based on borax and sodium bicarbonate, we will also use other ingredients such as neutral soap and an essential oil. Use the essential oil of your choice, it can be lemon or lavender. This will help you give your homemade detergent a much nicer aroma.

To make this ecological homemade detergent you will need to provide the following ingredients and utensils:


  • 2 bars of neutral soap (500 g)
  • 1 cup of borax (200 g)
  • 2 cups of sodium bicarbonate (400 g)
  • 20 drops of essential oil (according to your preferences)
  • Water (the amount needed)


  • Kitchen grater
  • Medium pot
  • Protective gloves
  • Bucket
  • Wooden spoon
  • Empty liquid soap bottles


  • Grate the bars of soap using the kitchen grater.
  • Then transfer the grated soap to a pot of water and bring everything to a boil using a low heat.
  • Stir well with a wooden spoon so that the grated soap does not stick to the pan.
  • Then, use protective gloves and mix separately the borax and sodium bicarbonate in a jar.
  • After this step, add the mixture of water with melted soap and mix well.
  • When all the ingredients are completely dissolved, place the mixture in a bucket and add about 7 liters of water.
  • Continue to dissolve the mixture with the spoon and, finally, add the essential oil of your choice to perfume this ecological homemade detergent.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous product, you can store it in empty bottles. Remember to write the mixture it contains on the bottle to avoid accidents.
  • To be on the safe side, use labels indicating their content.

How to use

  • Shake the product before use and place it in the soap compartment of the washing machine.
  • Of course, you can use it for other cleaning around the house: floors, kitchens, bathrooms, etc.

In summary, making your own eco-friendly homemade detergent is very easy and has many advantages. Although it seems easier to buy a commercial product, this alternative is more environmentally friendly and does not produce adverse health effects.

The advantage of homemade products is that we are sure that the ingredients in them are 100% natural. In addition, we can add the fragrance that we like. Discover in this article a solution to make a natural detergent at home as well as a softener based on natural flavors. We will also give you lots of tips on how to use all of these eco-friendly products. Discover them all!

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