How To Make A Powerful Antiviral Drink With 3 Ingredients

Bee honey has expectorant properties that can help us clear the respiratory system. In addition to being an antibiotic, it could kill viruses and bacteria that cause flu and colds.

Every day, our body is exposed to a large number of factors and conditions that cause viral, bacterial or fungal infections. This antiviral drink can help us fight them.

Our body has an immune system that defends us against all these microorganisms that can harm our health.

However,  a sedentary lifestyle, a poor diet, sudden changes in climate, a lack of physical activity, as well as other factors can weaken our immune system,  making us more susceptible to contracting diseases caused by these micro-organisms. -organisms.

The nutrients that we absorb through the consumption of certain foods help strengthen the immune system so that it can keep viral diseases at bay.

While taking into account the nutritional needs of the immune system,  we will share with you in this article a magic recipe for preparing an antiviral drink.

This drink combines the power of three healthy ingredients to provide the immune system with the nutrients it needs to stay strong and fight all types of infections.

What are the secret ingredients in this powerful antiviral drink?

While it’s hard to believe that so many goodness is within reach,  this powerful antiviral drink combines three inexpensive, easy-to-find ingredients. Lemon, ginger and bee honey.

The lemon

It is known for its high content of vitamin C. In addition to having antioxidant properties, it strengthens the immune system through the activation of white blood cells.

This citrus fruit has antibiotic and antiviral properties that help fight a large amount of viruses and bacteria,  and therefore prevent many diseases that could harm our health, especially at the respiratory level.


Ginger root has become very popular thanks to its multiple medicinal properties, and its high content of antioxidants.

This powerful ingredient helps boost the body’s immune response, preventing and fighting viruses and bacteria that cause illnesses such as flu, colds, coughs, asthma, etc.

Its mucolytic action stimulates the secretion of mucus, which  is why ginger is recommended to reduce symptoms such as cough and sore throat.

From a medicinal point of view, ginger stands out for its antibacterial, antifungal, antitoxic, antihistamines, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Bee honey

Recent studies have shown that bee honey has a tremendous antibiotic action that helps eliminate viruses and bacteria  that cause flu and colds.

This food, known for centuries, is used for the treatment of many respiratory and viral diseases.

These studies have shown that honey has expectorant  properties  which are essential for the treatment of asthma, and other respiratory problems which are the result of a weak immune system.

Antiviral drink with lemon, ginger and honey

Now that we’ve covered the antiviral benefits of these three ingredients,  let’s move on to making this drink. It will help you to increase your immune defenses, but also to prevent respiratory problems caused by allergies or viral infections.

These three natural ingredients should not be missing in your household, as they are very effective in treating the flu. Colds, and different types of respiratory allergies that can appear at any time.


  • 2 large lemons with their peel.
  • ½ ginger root.
  • 200 ml of organic bee honey (8 tablespoons)

How to prepare this drink?

  • First, wash the lemons thoroughly using a solution of water and vinegar. In order to disinfect them and eliminate all traces of pesticide.
    You should use the lemon with its peel. C ar it hosts many of the nutrients of this citrus fruit, and a good dose of vitamin C.
  • Wash the ginger root well, cut it into small pieces, and pass it in a blender with the lemons cut into quarters.
    Finally, add the recommended amount of honey, then mix all the ingredients well.
  • Once the mixture is ready, pour it into a glass container that can be closed, and store it in the refrigerator.
  • In case you leave this remedy for too long in the refrigerator, and the honey starts to crystallize,  you can heat it in a double boiler so that it retains all its benefits.


For those over 13, it is recommended to consume one scoop per day. For children, one teaspoon per day is enough.

You can dissolve this remedy in tea, water, or any other hot liquid.

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