How To Correct Back Imbalance Syndrome?

Back imbalance syndrome can also be the result of a psychological problem such as low self-esteem or depression. Find out how to fight it naturally.

Back imbalance syndrome is a postural problem that affects a large number of people. However, it is not just  about poor posture affecting the shoulders and back. This condition can also involve problems in other parts of the body. Sometimes it can even be associated with emotions and self-esteem.

Do you know what it is and how to fix it? In this article, we will detail its development, the factors involved and the exercises that can help with its treatment. Don’t miss this article!

What is back imbalance syndrome?

Back imbalance syndrome may be due to a physical problem with the spine or cervical area

The dorsal imbalance syndrome, or in English Upper crossed syndrome , is a postural dimorphism. The shoulders  tend to go forward and the head down. It is a posture in which the person seems to be looking down all the time.

This posture does not only affect the shoulders. In fact,  it causes the back to curve gradually forward. This is how the so-called “bump” is formed, which refers to a dorsal kyphosis. In addition, it affects the pecs and neck.

While it is obvious, keeping your back straight and shoulders back is not just a matter of physical health; it is also a reflection of the level of self-esteem.

Many women who are self-conscious about their breasts tend to adopt this position to try and hide in an unconscious way. But this is just one example among many. Many psychological problems lead to this posture, like depression.

In addition,  this posture is increasingly observed today. This is in part due to the excessive use of computers and other electronic devices. Walking with a frozen gaze on your cell phone causes your body to adopt this posture.

The consequences of back imbalance syndrome

This posture causes back pain, both lumbar and cervical. It also turns out to be unsightly. This is due to the fact that it makes you lose height and the stomach seems more prominent. It is even said that by walking straight, we transmit more confidence and that we are more attractive.

Continuing to adopt this posture decreases flexibility. In fact, it impairs joint movement and balance. This posture can also  interfere with breathing and digestion.

This is why it is necessary to  correct this posture both at rest and in motion. It is important to walk straight and with your head held high. We need to be aware of our posture when we are working or studying.

Tips to correct the syndrome

Stretching exercises are great for correcting back imbalance syndrome

There are many exercises that help to gradually correct this posture:

  • External rotation of the shoulders: the objective is to bring them back and keep them in the correct posture. For this, we put the shoulders back for 30 seconds. You have to repeat the exercise 5 times. If possible, you should do it several times a day
  • Shoulder rotation with the scapula: this involves bringing the shoulder blades together, extending the chest and bringing the shoulders back. It is a similar exercise to the previous one. As you bring your shoulders back, try to bring your shoulder blades as close as possible. Hold the position for 30 to 40 seconds and repeat it 5 times. This will improve the rest of your back
  • Stretching of the chest area: There are several ways to do this. One of them is to stand in front of a door and form a T with your arms. Then bend your elbows and raise your forearms to “support” the door frame. If you take a step forward, you should feel your muscles stretch. Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise
  • Back stretches : Lie on your back and bring your knee to your chest. Hold this position for a few seconds and then switch legs. You can also stretch one arm and the opposite leg at the same time. These 2 exercises will relieve your back

As we mentioned before, back imbalance syndrome can be a personality or self-esteem issue. This is why it is typical in people who are shy or self-conscious, and even in those who suffer from depression. In these cases, it is not enough just to correct the posture. It is necessary to treat the cause. You may need to see a psychologist  or some other type of therapy.

In conclusion

If you are suffering from back imbalance syndrome, it  is ideal that you see a physiotherapist who can advise and help you. It is important to be aware that this can lead to other physical problems. In addition, if you believe that it is due to a particular complex, do not hesitate to consult a psychologist. It’s never too late to improve your posture.

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