How To Benefit From Hand Soap Scraps

You don’t have to throw out the hand soap scraps. Indeed, you can recycle them and make a new bar of soap.

We all use soap to wash our hands in the bathroom. However, the bar soap decreases, becoming smaller and smaller. And at some point, it’s really not practical to use it. This is when most of us prefer to throw it away and replace it with a new one.

However, have you ever thought that you could recycle those hand soap scraps? Take note !

Take advantage of hand soap scum

Whether you throw them out before you finish them or leave them in a corner of the bathroom, you can enjoy leftover bar soap. Indeed, you can assemble them and form a new soap or even a shower gel.

Therefore, below we present 2 ways to take advantage of leftover hand soap. In addition, these are two ways to recycle them very easily and the result of which will be sure to please you.

A new soap

a new hand soap

It is a very simple process that will allow you to have a new bar of soap effortlessly:

  1. First, you will need to collect all the pieces of soap that you can find and put them in a large large glass jar.
  2. Then, in the jar, add whatever cream you prefer. It can be a moisturizer, for example, a body milk, etc. It is not necessary to add in large quantities, a few grams will suffice.
  3. Then place the jar that contains the soap and cream in a double boiler. Remember that the jar should not be covered while the soap is melting. Plus, you’ll need to stir constantly to melt all the lumps without leaving any lumps.
  4. Then choose a mold. Ideally, it should be a silicone container in the shape and size you prefer.
  5. Very carefully (because the hand soap melted in a double boiler is very hot), pour the mixture into the mold. Stay away from the liquid and use gloves to avoid burns.
  6. Finally, wait a few hours for it to cool down and you will get a new bar of soap in the colors and aromas of your choice.

Liquid soap or hand soap-based shower gel

liquid hand soap

Now instead of a new solid soap we suggest you make liquid hand soap or if you prefer shower gel. Although the process is a bit more complicated, it is still quite achievable.

  1. First of all, the first thing to do is calculate how much soap you have. This way you will be able to know what proportion of water is needed to obtain a suitable gel or liquid soap texture.
  2. To do this, grate the pieces of soap until you get the maximum amount of scraps.
  3. Next, calculate your proportions. For 40 grams of solid soap, you will need one liter of water.
  4. Now that you know how much water you will need, heat it up. When it comes to a boil, add the soap and lower the heat.
  5. The goal is for the soap to be well diluted and mixed with the water without lumps. For this, it is not necessary for the temperature to be very high; it is better to melt it over low heat, although it takes a little longer.
  6. Later, when it is completely dissolved, set the mixture aside and let cool.
  7. As it cools you will notice that it thickens and acquires a jelly-like texture.
  8. Once cooled completely, just pour it into the dispenser or container of your choice.
  9. However, before closing the container, you need to mix the soap with a spoon or stick.
  10. Finally, you can close the dispenser or the jar and use your soap!

It’s ready !

As you can see, remaking soap from pieces of solid hand soap is not difficult. You just need to follow certain steps to get a new bar of soap or, as in the second case, liquid soap for washing your hands. In addition, as you have seen, you can also make a shower gel.

On the other hand, you should keep in mind that the more varied the pieces of soap (colors and aromas), the more original the result will be. Either way, you will surely have found a good way to recycle and not throw away or accumulate those pieces of hand soap again.

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