How Many Eggs Should We Eat Per Week?

The amount of eggs we can eat is determined by the rest of our diet and whether or not we engage in physical activity. If so, we will need to ingest more protein.

Is it healthy to eat eggs? How many eggs can we eat per day? Per week ?

Below we will clarify all your doubts about the egg, a natural, nutritious and very healthy food. We will teach you how to eat it well, in order to get all the possible benefits.

Organic eggs

The conditions for breeding and feeding battery hens are appalling today. They naturally affect the quality of the eggs we buy.

We therefore recommend that you choose eggs from free-range hens or organic eggs. You will thus have the guarantee that they are the fruit of animals which lived in freedom  and in healthy conditions.

Take the test and buy two eggs, one ecological and the other industrial. You will see differences in size, color and flavor. You will be surprised!eggs

So how much can we eat?

Not all people have the same nutritional needs. However, we recommend consuming between three and five eggs per week.

  • For example, a person who eats little red meat and fish may eat more eggs to get the ideal amount of protein the body needs.
  • A person who exercises a lot can eat more eggs. Especially the whites which are very rich in protein.
  • An overweight person should limit the number of egg yolks they consume. This is indeed the part which contains the most fat.

Nutritional values

The egg is a food that has great nutritional value.

It is very rich in high organic quality protein, which means that it contains all the essential amino acids that our body needs.

The egg  contains vitamins of group B (B1, B3, B12, folic acid and biotin), A, E and D. 

It contains minerals like magnesium, potassium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, and iron.

The majority of its components are found in the yolk, while the majority of the proteins are found in the white.

Ultimately, eggs are very alkaline foods, which is a great point since we all tend to acidify ourselves. But, on the other hand, its virtues are lost if we fry it or use it in preparations that are too sweet.

How to cook it?

The egg offers endless possibilities in the kitchen. We can cook it in the following ways:

  • Hard: the healthiest way to cook it is to immerse it in boiling water for a minute, then turn off the heat and let it cook in hot water to prevent the yolk from taking on a grayish color and aroma. characteristic of sulfur.
  • Fried  : with a little olive or coconut oil, first cold pressing.
  • Poached (cooking in water, very fast)
  • Omelet  : potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, spinach, etc.
  • Scrambled  : with mushrooms, garlic etc.

In addition, it is used as an ingredient in breadcrumbs, in desserts, in savory cakes, etc. It is important to take into account that eggs can be found in the preparation of many dishes when counting the number of eggs we eat per week.

You can also grate it or add it to a salad or cold dishes, or fill them with mayonnaise, tuna, prawns, etc.


Additional Information

  • Egg yolk is one of the foods that contains the most vitamin D, an essential element for assimilating calcium and for protection from the sun’s rays.
  • The egg contains nutrients that are beneficial for our eyes and protect us from cataracts or macular degeneration. 
  • Thanks to its high content of selenium and zinc, the egg is ideal as a cosmetic to strengthen the tissues of our skin, hair and nails.
  • In some countries, the eggs have a number written on the shell that lets us know how the hens were raised. In France, for example, the first number tells us this information. If the number is 0, the egg is organic, and the closer it goes to 4, the more industrial and unhealthy it is.

Images of cobalt123, Amy Ross and formalfallacy Dublin

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