How Long Should You Diet?

Dieting for a set period of time and eating healthy foods throughout life are two different things. The second option will allow you to lose weight and be healthy.

Going on a diet is undoubtedly one of those challenges that one sets for oneself and that one does not accomplish. It might even be that the mere mention of a diet will make you frown, although it does mean taking care of your health and general well-being. But from now on, that will change.

Here you will discover some curious facts about diets, as well as bad habits to avoid. You will also learn more about the recommended length of a diet.

And all of this for one purpose: to help you get a better perspective on this change you want to see in yourself. Some essential information and consistency are two key elements that will help you achieve this.

What does dieting mean?  a diet

Usually, dieting means restricting yourself in order to lose weight, when in reality the word “diet” encompasses a much broader concept.

Diet refers to the amount of solid foods and liquids we consume in a 24 hour period, which should meet our basic nutritional needs. In short, the meaning of the word “diet” is in fact almost similar to the word “diet”.

You are probably wondering how handling the concept of “diet” correctly will help you? We all know that the mind plays a decisive role in every action we take to achieve any goal, including when it comes to losing weight.

If you continue to think that dieting is about depriving yourself of certain foods, you will consider yourself in a negative situation, and then you will be unable to visualize a pleasant panorama with beneficial options. As a result, you will have difficulty following your diet properly.

Factors involved in weight loss 

A balanced diet is the number one factor influencing weight loss. You have most likely heard the following phrase: “We are what we eat.” However, there are other factors to consider if you want to lose weight.

  • The practice of a physical activity. In general, physical activities require a balanced diet to compensate for the expenditure of energy during exercise.
  • The rate of metabolism or thermoregulation. The metabolism is the ability of the body to expend energy to operate.
  • Gender and age. Men have a faster metabolism than women, women who, moreover, have to deal with problems with fluid retention during their period.

Who should you contact to go on a diet?  a diet

To optimally control the various factors that influence weight loss and to know how to reconcile these factors in order to lose weight, it is ideal to consult a nutritionist.

A nutritionist is the only person certified to develop a nutritional program that meets your nutritional needs. Even if some physical trainers have studied the subject, it is recommended to consult a professional.

The nutritionist performs specific examinations to integrate the different factors that influence your general well-being. You can ask him any questions you want.

His job is to develop a program in accordance with your goal. This goal can be to lose weight, but also to gain muscle mass, or even both.

How long should you go on a diet? 

Most certainly, one of your doubts about diets is about duration. As discussed previously, dieting consists of consuming meals that provide us with nutritional benefits, which then amounts to adopting a healthy and balanced diet. 

The ideal is to choose the foods we eat well in order to improve our appearance and general well-being throughout our lives. Don’t go on a diet to lose ten pounds, instead eat a healthy diet throughout your life. 

Dieting for a set period of time and then resuming bad eating habits makes no sense. In addition to wasting time, your efforts and consistency will have been wasted.

If you have already reached your goal, consult your nutritionist again, so that he can suggest a nutritional program to maintain your weight.

4 easy tips to lose weight 

Simple actions taken every day can make it easier for you to adopt a balanced diet and thus create a new healthy habit. If you follow these tips, you’ll see that in no time you will be making better choices.

  • Control the amount of sugar and starch you consume per day
  • Choose foods that are high in fiber because these foods give you energy.
  • Cook in the oven or steam with as little saturated fat as possible.
  • Eat organic foods, and avoid processed foods.

Dieting or adopting a balanced diet? 

Remember: your mind has great power when you make the decision to transform your life to adopt healthy habits for your overall well-being. What do you really want? Go on a diet or have a balanced diet?

Consult a specialist and work out with him a program adapted to your needs, in order to maintain a healthy body both inside and outside.

  • Clifton PM., Diet, exercise and weight loss and dyslipidaemia. Pathology, 2019. 51 (2): 222-226.
  • Santos HO., Macedo RCO., Impact of intermittent fasting on the lipid profile: assessment associated with diet and weight loss. Clin Nutr ESPEN, 2018. 24: 14-21.

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