How Does The Mediterranean Diet Affect Gut Health?

The Mediterranean diet has become popular as a healthy and beneficial eating model. Recent studies have linked this type of diet to better gut health. What does the evidence say?

In recent years,  the effects of the Mediterranean diet on gut health have been studied. While it is true that this link has never really been explored, we can nevertheless find certain benefits, especially with regard to the state of the microbiota.

This group of bacteria and microorganisms live in the digestive system and play an important role in health. In fact, they are associated in a very positive way with a good functioning of the immune system and the good metabolism of food, among others.

But how does diet relate to gut health? Why is the Mediterranean diet recommended? There are many other questions on this topic. We will therefore detail several points to obtain answers.

Food and intestinal flora

One of the organs most influenced by the quality of food and lifestyle is, without a doubt, the intestine. It is in this organ that microorganisms live which participate in various vital functions, such as digestion, the immune system, the inflammatory response or the synthesis of vitamins.

Thus, when the intestinal flora is healthy, balanced and prepared to perform its functions, its characteristics are as follows:

  • It has the right amount of beneficial microorganisms
  • There is no overgrowth of harmful microorganisms
  • Good microbial diversity is ensured

Regarding food and the microbiota, it should be noted that certain foods strengthen the activity of bacteria. They exert anti-inflammatory functions and promote the production of short-chain fatty acids.

Fatty acids are precisely one of the main sources of food for intestinal cells  and can help keep the intestinal mucous layer healthy.

The Mediterranean diet is good for gut health.

Mediterranean diet and gut health

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most studied in terms of food and health. We can say, in broad strokes, that the Mediterranean diet is linked to a lower risk of suffering from chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes, for example.

A scientific study also links this eating pattern to better gut health. Published in the journal Gut , she concludes by saying that following a Mediterranean diet for a year can help :

  • Strengthen intestinal bacteria linked to the brake on frailty and cognitive decline
  • Decrease bacteria associated with an inflammatory condition
  • Reduce the loss of bacterial diversity
  • Decrease the presence of pro-inflammatory substances  that have harmful effects on health

It is important to mention here that while it is true that the results are positive and that they open the way for further research, the researchers admitted that the state of health of gut bacteria cannot be linked to the only food. When talking about gut health, one must also take into account other factors that influence this condition.

What are the characteristics of the Mediterranean diet for gut health?

Although the Mediterranean diet may vary slightly by region, in general it has a number of common characteristics. In its traditional form,  it is based on the usual ingestion of certain food groups. More specifically, it has the following characteristics:

  • Extra virgin olive oil is the main source of fat, both for cooking and for seasoning.
  • Vegetables are eaten daily and those with green leaves stand out
  • It contains fruits and whole grains
  • Dried fruits and legumes are included in a moderate way
  • It includes fish (especially blue), meat and dairy products in a moderate way
  • It contains low amounts of red meat and saturated fat

Some of these foods have been shown to be more beneficial in terms of gut health. Which ? Why are they important? Let’s see this in more detail right now.

What does the Mediterranean diet consist of?

1. Fatty acids

In this case, we can emphasize the optimal intake of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, accompanied by a low consumption of saturated fats. This lipid profile is beneficial because  it is linked to very low inflammatory markers.

2. Carbohydrates accessible to the microbiota

We also find the ingestion of this type of fiber, also known as Mac’s. This carbohydrate cannot be digested because the body does not have the necessary enzymes to do so. It therefore arrives intact in the colon, where it is fermented by bacteria.

From there,  we find a series of positive compounds for the health of the colon,  in addition to being used as food for the microorganisms. In general, studies have found higher values ​​of short-chain fatty acids in the stools of people who regularly followed a Mediterranean diet.

3. Polyphenols

Polyphenols are present in this type of diet because they are found in abundance in fruits, vegetables, olive oil and aromatic herbs. These compounds have been included in the group of prebiotic foods, that is, those that feed intestinal bacteria. Phenols act positively for two reasons:

  • They increase the diversity of the gut microbiota
  • They help prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria

Other healthy habits for the gut microbiota

Diet is one of the most determining factors in the composition of the intestinal flora, but it is not the only one. Certain environmental and lifestyle aspects also influence his condition. We know, for example, that stress affects the intestine negatively, as does insufficient rest and lack of physical exercise.

On the other hand, when we talk about food, it’s not just what we eat that has an influence: it’s also how we do it. It is therefore advisable to eat slowly and ensure optimal hydration. Finally, to avoid alterations in these bacteria, it is best to give up harmful habits such as alcohol and tobacco consumption.

The Mediterranean diet is also good for gut health

The well-made Mediterranean diet, with traditional, fresh and minimally processed foods, is one of the healthiest. In addition to its known benefits on the vascular and cerebral level, we can add the benefits at the intestinal level because it contains ideal food and nutrients for the microbiota.

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