How Do You Eliminate Heavy Metals From Your Body?

Did you know that garlic, in addition to helping us improve blood circulation, has cleansing properties? Its components contribute to the elimination of all types of toxins when we consume it.

Have you often heard of the negative effects of heavy metals, but not quite sure what it is? Are you affected? Are they so harmful? How to prevent them?

In this article, we will clear up all your doubts so that you can naturally treat the various health problems that heavy metals can cause, with the help of natural foods and supplements like chlorella, cilantro, garlic and magnesium.

What is a heavy metal?

Heavy metals are chemical elements that, more or less strong, are part of the structure of all that surrounds us, the earth’s crust to our organization: the e copper, iron on, cobalt, manganese , zinc, aluminum, lead, arsenic, etc.

Problems can arise when they accumulate in our body and gradually poison us. Likewise, if these metals are released in certain forms into the atmosphere, they can remain there for centuries.

How do they impact our body?

Heavy metals are very difficult to remove from our bodies, and they accumulate there over time, exposing us to more and more of their harmful effects.

Since ancient times, doctors in Greece and the Roman Empire have documented symptoms of exposure to heavy metals. Here are some examples of the consequences that it can cause:

  • Cancer
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Growth retardation
  • Autism
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Joint diseases
  • Alterations of the nervous system
  • Neurodegenerative pathologies such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Pregnancy abnormalities
  • Allergies

The consequences that we can see in this list are serious enough to start cleaning our body of heavy metals right now.

How do they get into our body?

Heavy metals are found in different forms in our environment. Here is a list of the most common:

  • Plumbing pipes
  • Large blue fish such as salmon, tuna or swordfish
  • Mercury thermometers (when they break)
  • Low consumption light bulbs (when they break)
  • Kitchen utensils made of aluminum or other heavy metals
  • Vaccines
  • Pesticides
  • Hygiene products and conventional cosmetics
  • Exhaust gas
  • Tobacco
  • Food additives
  • Medicines
  • Water from mines or industry and other untreated water
  • Dental mercury amalgam

The effects of heavy metals.

How to remove heavy metals?

The natural treatment to eliminate heavy metals is based on the natural supplements that we are going to indicate to you, which have chelating properties, that is to say that they unite with heavy metals and drive them out of our body. .

They have the advantage of not causing side effects like some drugs:

  • Chlorella algae  : this alga has a very powerful detoxifying effect, which is used against all types of harmful substances, not just heavy metals, because it has a high chlorophyll content. It is the ideal ingredient for this type of treatment.
  • Coriander  (Coriandrum sativum): this herb has always been used as a condiment. But, in addition to its chelating properties, it contains a high concentration of vitamins, especially vitamins A and K, and to a lesser extent vitamins B, C and E.
  • Garlic:  This medicinal food, recommended for treating many diseases, is also very useful for this type of treatment. Its purifying compounds help flush all types of toxins out of our body. To keep yourself in good health after this treatment, you can always try the famous Tibetan garlic cure.
  • Magnesium  : this mineral does not have chelating properties, but it is very useful in eliminating toxic elements present in our body.

Onion against heavy metals.

Taking treatment

These foods and supplements should be taken daily, in the form of natural extracts or tablets, following the maximum dosage recommended in this case, and for at least three months.

During treatment, it is possible that some detoxification symptoms may appear: pain, acne, diarrhea. But, they are only the consequence of the elimination of toxins by the body.

You should take this into account and not stop the treatment, and drink plenty of water between meals to help with the treatment.

It is also very important to avoid being constipated, as it will be difficult for your body to shed metals and you may suffer from re-poisoning.

It is also recommended to carry out this treatment under the supervision of a doctor or a specialized therapist.

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