Homemade Recipes To Eliminate Bad Breath

Would you like to know the most effective natural remedies to overcome halitosis? They are close at hand. We will present them to you in the rest of this article.

We always see in commercials men and women with fresh breath after using this or that toothpaste. But in fact, you don’t have to spend a lot of money buying those products that don’t always contain healthy ingredients. If you have bad breath, do not hesitate to read this article in which you will find homemade recipes to eliminate bad breath!

What is halitosis?

The medical term for bad breath is halitosis, a condition more common than you might think, since it affects a large part of the population, at least at certain times of life.

This unpleasant odor can have several causes, but generally it comes from a lack of hygiene of the oral cavity, which promotes the proliferation of bacteria that are responsible for the strong odors that form in the mouth.

There is also a link between bad breath and a lack of saliva, in other words with dry mouth. The salivary glands produce this fluid, which is 99% water, which has antiseptic properties and helps keep the mouth clean.

Halitosis is really very unpleasant, as much for the one who suffers from it as for those around him. People who have this problem are often very ashamed or dare not speak to others because they feel dirty or because they feel guilty.

The problems of bad breath.

Consuming certain foods, such as coffee or alcohol, garlic or onion, or smoking, contributes to the exhalation of bad odors. Some medications also have a side effect of reducing the production of saliva, which makes the mouth dry and consequently gives off bad breath.

A diet low in carbohydrates can also be the cause. These nutrients are found in foods like pasta, bread, rice, and legumes. And their consumption causes the body to draw its energy from fat reserves.

But the main and most common cause is undoubtedly the proliferation of bacteria. When these abound in the mouth, they contribute to the formation of dental plaque, the acids and volatile compounds of which are responsible for these bad odors.

Use of dentures, tooth decay, poor quality fillings or crowns, sinusitis. Infections or canker sores, diabetes, indigestion or stress can also cause bad breath.

Home remedies known to treat bad breath

  • Use chlorophyll toothpaste or take mint lozenges to get rid of the foul odor from your mouth.
  • A natural remedy for bad breath is to eat a yellow peach before breakfast.
  • If the bad breath is caused by gingivitis (inflamed gums that bleed), do a mouth rinse. Put two spoonfuls of glowing sage in half a liter of water and boil it, then let it stand for 20 minutes and strain it.

Fight against bad breath.

  • Parsley is an excellent remedy for bad breath. Boil in two cups of water with a few sprigs of parsley and two whole cloves. Stir constantly. Filter this preparation and do mouthwashes twice a day.
  • Add a spoonful of baking soda to half a cup of water and make a mouthwash in the morning upon rising and at bedtime.
  • After meals, chew on a clove, a sprig of cinnamon or anise, all three excellent for freshening breath.
  • Blend 250 grams of carrots, 125 grams of cucumber and 125 grams of spinach in a blender. Drink half a glass after meals.

Carrot for bad breath.

Bad breath recipes

  • Prepare a juice with a peach, a quarter of a mango, half a grapefruit, half a cup of water and two sprigs of mint. Squeeze the grapefruit and mix the other fruits. Drink this juice every day at midday.
  • Prepare a mint infusion. Boil a cup of water with a spoon of mint for ten minutes and drink it after each meal.
  • Boil a spoonful of wormwood in a cup of water. Cover and let cool. Drink a cup of it after each meal.
  • Boil 1/4 cup of raspberry juice for a few minutes. Add 1/4 cup of water, 2 drops of peppermint oil and 1/4 cup of rosemary infusion. Gargle with this preparation after each meal.

Raspberry against bad breath.

  • Boil two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water for five minutes. Cover and let cool. Drink a cup of it after meals.
  • Put a teaspoon of fresh thyme and a teaspoon of fresh oregano in a cup of water and boil for five minutes. Rinse your mouth every two hours with the preparation as hot as possible.
  • After meals, chew condiments like dill seeds, for example. You can also chew pomegranate seeds.

Tips to eliminate halitosis

  • Avoid consuming onion, pepperoni, cheese, coffee. Cakes, wine and beer.
  • Always carry a toothbrush with you to brush your teeth after eating, for example when you are in the office.
  • Drink enough water to promote the production of saliva which fights bad bacteria.
  • Do Atha Yoga: This discipline and a vegetarian diet have been shown to strengthen the digestive system and help eliminate bad breath.
  • Chew sugarless gum balls or gum that promote salivation.
  • Avoid very dry or very fibrous foods and increase your intake of raw salads.
  • Don’t go too long without eating anything. For example, eat a healthy snack in the middle of the morning.

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