Hip Dysplasia: Causes And Treatments

The aim of the various treatments for hip dysplasia is to achieve, quickly and early, a reduced hip in a stable and safe manner.

Hip dysplasia is a congenital disorder, that is, it appears at birth. This disorder affects the hip joint. Its incidence is 1 in 1000.

In normal situations, the hip is shaped like a kneecap. When a person is born with hip dysplasia, the cup is usually shallow. In this way, it allows the ball-shaped area of ​​the femur to slide in and out of the shell. Thus, the “ball” can partially or totally come out of the hull.

On the other hand, it should be mentioned that most of the people who suffer from this congenital disease are usually firstborns and female babies. A family history of hip dysplasia favors the development of this problem.

Causes of hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a multi-factorial malformation.

Hip dysplasia is therefore a situation in which there is an impairment of growth at the level of anatomical structures, including the soft tissues of the joint.

Today, this disorder is thus considered to be the consequence of eccentric pressure on the femoral head during the last month of pregnancy.

However, hip dysplasia is considered a “multifactorial hereditary” disorder. With this term, experts mean that the birth defect is determined by several factors, both genetic and environmental.

For example, one of the environmental factors thought to contribute to hip dysplasia is the baby’s response to maternal hormones during pregnancy.

A narrow uterus that does not allow fetal movement or breech delivery can also cause hip dysplasia. Also, another fact to keep in mind is that the left hip is usually the most affected side. This is due to the position of the fetus in the womb.

Hip dysplasia treatment

Dislocation of the hip.

The aim of the various treatments for hip dysplasia is to achieve a reduced hip in a stable and safe manner quickly and early.

After achieving a reduction and restoration of the concentric pressure of the femoral head within the acetabulum, the top of the latter ossifies and develops again, especially during the first two years of life, during which time dysplasia is reversible to a large extent.

The treatment indicated in this way will depend on several factors. For example the typical or teratogenic nature of the dislocation, the age or duration of the dislocation, among others.

Treatment from birth to six months

After reduction, the second step aims to preserve the physiological position. For this, different devices are generally used, the most used being the Pawlik harness.

This harness is a dynamic device that allows active movement of the hip in the safety zone. Thus, it allows the normal development of the acetabulum and the femoral head, as the hip moves in a reduced amplitude.

However, the duration of treatment varies depending on the child. After treatment is complete, x-rays should be taken to check if the joint is developing properly.

Six to eighteen month treatment

Hip dysplasia affects newborns.

This treatment is used when the previous one has failed and in cases where the diagnosis is later. Normally, the treatment during this period is surgery as well. The fundamental factor in the treatment of hip dysplasia is to achieve concentric reduction of the femoral head.

Once this is done, the second step is to maintain the reduction and improve the stability of the hip, and it may become necessary to perform osteotomies (surgical cutting or cutting of a bone). Among them, several types can be differentiated:

  • Iliac Salter.
  • Femoral.
  • Acetabular.
  • Sutherland Iliac.
  • Steel osteotomy.
  • Acetabuloplasty.


Hip dysplasia is a disorder that affects female babies more than male babies. It appears at the time of birth. This is why it is said to be a congenital disease and affects 1 in 1,000 living newborns.

This disorder today can be reversed, normally, in a fairly simple way. However, when diagnosed late, professionals tend to opt for patient surgery.

If you have any questions about this disorder, do not hesitate to speak to a professional. They can direct you to the treatment best suited to your situation.

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