Herniated Disc: All You Need To Know

A herniated lumbar disc is characterized by pain in the lower back. This pain can affect the legs via the sciatic nerve.

Many people suffer from a herniated disc. It is painful and disabling, which is why it is better to know its symptoms well.

As you may already know, our spine is a collection of intertwined and complex elements : waters, muscles and ligaments that sometimes can cause worry. This is what we explain to you in this article.

What are these discs really causing us so much pain and discomfort? To understand these pains, we must take into account those tissues existing between the bones of the spine.

These fabrics are soft in texture and have a hard outer coating. They act as shock absorbers thus adapting to the movements we make.  It is therefore the discs, those which cause the said herniated disc.

Sometimes these tissues “slip” and come out of their normal position, which can then put pressure on the nerves.  They then become painful and lose their function as shock absorbers.

Herniated disc: the causes

Woman with back pain

Generally speaking, a herniated disc appears with age.  As we age, the spine becomes less and less flexible. 

As a result, the ligaments around the discs become less and less “stable” and lose hydration. They then begin to degenerate. This is when the pain arises.

Herniated disc: the different types and their symptoms

The type of hernia depends on the painful area.

Back hernia

If you have discomfort in the middle of your back, it could be a back hernia.

If, in addition to this discomfort, your legs hurt, have tingling sensations, and if your legs become heavy when you sleep, it is very likely that you have a hernia in the lower back area.

Cervical hernia

Symptoms of cervical hernia are as follows:

  • pain that starts in the neck and may spread to the arms
  • neck stiffness
  • nausea
  • discomforts
  • hard to sleep
  • feeling weak
  • clumsiness

This type of hernia is very disabling.

Lumbar hernia

In the case of a lumbar hernia, the pain is found in the lower back area. You may then feel a strong heat forcing you to stand very straight.

These pains can also be accompanied by a certain muscular rigidity which can extend to the legs. This is also known as radiating pain, or even sciatica.

Many people feel pain all the way to the foot and may experience tingling in the limbs or even incontinence. If this happens, go to the doctor urgently.

Radiant hernia

It is pain that affects the whole body although the hernia is only found in one place.

This is the case, for example, of a hernia in the back: although the hernia is in the back, the pain can spread to the buttocks and the inner part of the legs.

If this is like yours, maybe you have radiculopathy . Of course, only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

Herniated disc: when to consult?

Herniated disc

The pain caused by any type of hernia will prevent the patient from living a normal life. He will not be able to walk, work or even lift loads. He will also have difficulty sleeping, or even sitting still.

If these symptoms persist for two consecutive weeks, then the consultation with a doctor becomes urgent.

Likewise, the doctor will send you to the emergency room if urinary incontinence  or loss of sphincter control occurs. In this case, the hernia makes difficult the natural functions of our body then presenting an obvious seriousness which must be treated as soon as possible.

Usually, surgery is required. But don’t worry, they are usually successful and lead to a normal life again.

Listen to your body and don’t wait to see a doctor. The quality of your life depends on it.

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