Get Rid Of Corns On The Feet With This Effective Remedy

Since it does not contain chemicals, it is extremely important to be regular in this treatment which treats corns on the feet. Likewise, it is essential to hydrate your feet and to have good hygiene.

Corns on the feet are a cosmetic problem that occurs due to repeated rubbing, pressure, or irritation.

They are characterized by a thick layer of skin, almost always on the soles of the feet and on the inner part of the big toe.

In most cases, this is not a real health problem, but they should be watched as sometimes they can cause cracks and infections.

Continued use of heeled shoes or lack of hydration are two of the main causes of this condition.

However, they are also linked to diabetes and circulation problems in the lower part of the body.

As a solution, the pharmaceutical industry has developed several creams for topical use and other products that soften the skin.

However, many prefer natural alternatives because they are much more economical and provide excellent results. 

We are going to share with you a very special remedy that you can prepare with ingredients that you can find at home. Let’s go !

Onion treatment to eliminate corns on the feet

Onion is an acidic vegetable which, thanks to its antibacterial and antioxidant agents, serves as a treatment against calluses.

Although its strong smell is a bit offensive to some people, it is a wonderful vegetable and rich in nutrients.

It contains a good amount of vitamin C, potassium, manganese and folic acid which are great for the body and the health of the skin.

It has been sold for a long time as a base for the preparation of several homemade cosmetic products because its substances promote cell regeneration and stop damage caused by free radicals.

The juice it contains helps reduce spots and scars due to acne and decreases the hard skin that forms under the feet from certain shoes or excessive exertion.

Its advantage over other products is that it minimizes the presence of fungi and bacteria, thus preventing them from causing more serious problems.

Its effects are increased tenfold with the properties of lemon and salt, two compounds that we use to exfoliate and remove excess dead skin. 

How to prepare this remedy for removing corns?

It won’t take a long time for you to prepare this simple remedy for corns, but it will need to be done very regularly to get good results.

Since this is a natural product, you should know that its ingredients take a little longer to take effect than chemicals.


  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • ½ teaspoon of sea salt (2 g)
  • 1 slice of onion
  • Plaster
  • ¼ cup of vinegar (62 ml)
  • Water
  • 1 pumice stone

How to do ?

  • Cut a thick slice of onion and apply a little lemon juice and half a teaspoon of salt to it.
  • Put the product on the affected areas and secure it with a little adhesive tape so that it works overnight.
  • Put on socks to avoid spills.
  • The next day, pour the vinegar into a container with hot water and soak the feet in it for 20 minutes.
  • Then rub with a pumice stone to remove the dead cells.
  • Repeat the treatment for a whole week.

Final tips

  • In order to prevent corns from appearing again, it is good to know some prevention measures.
  • Under no circumstances should you remove corns by cutting them as this increases the risk of infection.
  • Avoid the use of heels and opt for flat, comfortable and ventilated shoes.
  • Use shoes made of leather or other natural materials.
  • To prevent humidity and the growth of fungus, sprinkle a little cornstarch on the inside of your shoes.
  • After physically strenuous days, soak your feet in a container full of water and a little sea salt.
  • Remember to use moisturizer every day or a little petroleum jelly. 
  • If corns get worse or don’t respond positively to any of the treatments, your best bet is to see a doctor.

As you can see, there are some very interesting methods to remove those calluses that make your feet unsightly.

Follow all the recommendations given and in a few days you will have much prettier and healthier feet.

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