Forgive Your Parents, They Did The Best They Could

Being a child and growing up in an environment that we don’t like is not easy. But parenting isn’t easy either. Each must help and understand the other, and forgive mistakes.

In order to be able to grow as people we must learn to forgive the possible mistakes made by our parents, because neither fatherhood nor motherhood comes with instructions for use.

Forgive your parents for the emotional deprivation they caused you, the bad times they brought you, all the pain caused by mistreating you.

We know that today you are suffering all the consequences of these acts which you judge, which hurt you and which cause you to keep a certain resentment towards your progenitors.

However, if you think about it, they did the best they could and you, in their stead, with their experiences and circumstances, maybe you would have done the same.

Forgive your parents, they couldn’t have done better

forgive his parents
Forgive your parents for not being able to do better, but no one has taught them to fulfill this important role that they have decided to play.

We are aware that very often in your mind appears this sentence that many people say: “well you shouldn’t conceive of me!”.

However, this is unfair, it is something your parents do not deserve to hear. Put yourself in their shoes, how would you feel if your child told you this? And all this because of the simple fact of not having known how to do better.

Additionally, forgiving your parents will help you to forgive yourself as well when you make the same mistakes or they might come up in any other environment.

No one is free to make mistakes, let alone when we have the education and responsibility of raising another human being in our hands.

Forgive your parents because, even if you don’t believe it, there was something positive about their mistakes.

Do you know what it is? That you, by being aware of this, can take another path, be more successful.

On the other hand, if resentment continues to reside in your heart, you will end up doing the same, without realizing it, or even worse.

Free yourself from this weight

guilt weight

Sometimes this rage for a disastrous childhood brought on by parents who couldn’t do better causes us to carry this weight on our backs for years, a weight filled with bitterness.

We don’t know why, but we can’t find true happiness. And there is something that we don’t want to see or heal.

Our pride sometimes prevents us from taking that first step to forgive, and we wait for the other to come and ask for an apology.

But, why lengthen our suffering?

It is our happiness that is at stake, it is our responsibility to choose now the path we want to follow. We are no longer children, we are no longer at the mercy of our parents.

We are now adults who must take the first step, without waiting for others to take it. It does not mean kneeling, does not imply humiliating oneself or proving anyone right.

It is one of the best decisions we can make. Indeed, it frees us from a weight which tints our whole world with a thick darkness.

We can learn from everything

Although your parents did not learn from the pain they caused you, there is someone who did understand the teaching and it is you!

The injury caused hurts you a lot and does not inspire you to be confident that there is something good in all of this. However, it is, even if you don’t believe it.

As we mentioned before, you decide if you will turn the page on what you have been through or if you will continue to carry that weight that will make you repeat the same things that you have judged bad in the past.

If everything was perfect in life, we could never learn.

Curiously, it is from these most negative experiences and which mark us the most that we manage to learn the best. Those who help us grow, mature and be better people.

Before you were a kid who didn’t have the power to make a difference. But now you are an adult who can change direction.

It is you who decide if you forgive your parents and reject this anchoring to an already distant past or if you continue to live with resentment and hatred towards these progenitors who did not know how to do better.

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