For Mothers Who, Despite The Falls, Have Never Lost Their Crowns

No matter what Mother’s Day is, you should never waste an opportunity to remind her how much we love it and how important it is in our life.

Mother’s Day is celebrated on various dates all over the world. However, most take place in May.

It is said that its origin dates back to 1865, when Anna Maria Reves Jarvis, decided to organize a day to reunite mothers.

It was about exchanging experiences, thoughts. But also to debate the situation of women in a society where motherhood and its responsibilities were not yet visible or recognized.

It should be known that the figure of Anne Maria Jarvis daughter is also known in the United States, just like her own mother.

She was an activist who fought for a long time for the rights of working mothers and to improve their social conditions, in the areas of health, wages and children’s education.

Since the moment the voice of women began to be heard, a lot of time has passed.

We have experienced changes, triumphs and multiple recognitions.

But, there is still a long way to go and a lot of problems to be solved in an increasingly complex and demanding society.

In this article, we invite you to reflect on the roles of mothers today.

Mothers and motherhood in today’s society, quite an adventure

Being a mother is much more than just a label or a term that all of a sudden defines a woman as the wonderful and complex reality of raising a child falls into her hands.

  • Motherhood is not easy for many reasons. Today’s society has not yet harmonized with the educational needs of a child. Maternity leaves are too short, the working hours are not accommodating and the aid policies do not respect the rhythm of the family.
  • The Nordic countries are today a benchmark all over the world. They offer maternity and paternity leave where the couple shares the time spent with their children equally.
  • In addition, we add a good balance, good hours, access to nurseries and financial aid, which encourage the birth rate.
  • Outside of countries like Norway or Denmark, most mothers have to fight a complicated battle to respect schedules, to find agreements with other families for the care of the children.
    Sometimes they even have to reduce their working days to look after their children.

Everyday is good to tell her how much we love mothers

mothers - relationship with daughter

One cannot deny the difficulties of the political and social conjuncture during the raising of a child. However, we must recognize that the figure of the mother is fundamental in our life.

  • This is a genetic link that may or may not exist. However, it is built above all through an emotional union which is much more than a bond of love.
  • We are talking about a fabric that envelops us, a tenderness that protects. But also which inspires and which integrates into our being in a precocious and permanent way.
  • A mother who is able to bring us sincere affection, unconditional support. But also this proximity which is always accessible but at the same time respectful is undoubtedly a figure of power in our life.
  • Mother’s Day is just a little excuse to share a good meal with her, to give her a present, to give her flowers.
    What is clear, however, is that we don’t need an exclusive day to remind her how much we love her. Or even how much we admire him.

Any time is good, every day of the year is good to spend time with her, to take care of her, to watch her. But also to immerse yourself in an intimate conversation that recalls this magical bond where you feel like a child again, where you feel loved, pampered, valued …

My mother, my inspiration, this woman whose crown never fell

a woman and her daughter

Mom was, is and will be a strong and courageous woman. At first glance, we do not necessarily see the crown of mothers. But they wear a whole lot because each of these women has fought a thousand battles that not everyone knows.

  • Let us think not only of our mothers, but also of our grandmothers and all this female line that has faced so many adversities. But also to deficiencies, to times of famine, conflict and even loneliness.
    In all of these situations, they were able to lift a family, with their hands and their efforts.
  • We all have family stories in which a woman embodies our inspiration.

Today is a good day to remember all the mothers of the past and the mothers of the present.

Today is a good day to reflect on what we still have to achieve, regarding our social rights, to be able to become working mothers and women who wish to build a happier present and a more dignified future for them. and their children.

Any mom will be grateful, without a doubt, for a bouquet of flowers or a long hug from her children.

But we must not neglect this battle and give mothers greater social recognition.

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