Five Herbal Remedies To Naturally Improve Your Digestion

Certain herbs can improve your digestion. Here are five herbal remedies for major digestive disorders. 

Herbal remedies can help improve your digestion in a gentle, natural way. Therefore, if you are suffering from ailments such as gas, gas, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, stomach ulcers or indigestion, you can turn to these remedies.

In this article, we introduce you to five herbal remedies to improve your digestion : ginger, turmeric, licorice, cinnamon, and fennel. Discover their digestive properties below!

Herbal remedies to improve your digestion

  1. Ginger

First of all, ginger is a very popular digestive remedy around the world. In addition, it is used as a spice to enhance the taste and make foods juicier. Medically, the rhizome (root) of ginger has been shown to be effective in treating diarrhea, stomach ulcers and gas. 

Fresh ginger can be consumed in the form of herbal tea, but also as juice (mix it with water and filter). Keep in mind that its taste is quite strong and spicy, and that it brings a lot of heat to the body.

Ginger infusion to soothe digestion.
Ginger root is one of the best herbal remedies for treating digestive disorders. However, it should be consumed in moderation.
  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a medicinal plant with many health properties, including its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties thanks to its curcumin content. When it comes to digestion, turmeric is effective for gastric ulcers and gas.

It is possible to add the powdered turmeric rhizome to our dishes, whether they are sweet (cakes, creams, smoothies, juices) or savory (stews, omelets, vegetables, sauces). It can also be taken as an infusion, for example with ginger, or as a supplement.

Note that turmeric forms an ideal combination with black pepper. These three ingredients further enhance the healing effects of the curcumin present in this spice.

  1. Licorice

Thirdly, licorice is a very popular herbal medicine in Indian Ayurvedic medicine and also in many other countries. In fact, its root is an emollient that protects the digestive system, a mild laxative and a natural anti-inflammatory.

Thanks to these medicinal properties, licorice is beneficial in treating hyperacidity and gastric ulcers. In addition, its sweet taste is ideal to drink as an infusion and even to combine with the other herbal remedies presented in this article.

You can also take liquorice in candies or pills, or even chew the trunk to extract the extract. However, it should be borne in mind that licorice can raise blood pressure. It is therefore contraindicated in people with hypertension. 

Licorice can improve digestion.
Due to its anti-inflammatory and laxative properties, licorice root can help relieve several digestive disorders.
  1. Ceylon Cinnamon

Cinnamon, especially its Ceylon variety (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), is a spice that should be one of our essential remedies. It has many health properties including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-lipemic, anti-diabetic, antimicrobial and anti-cancer properties.

In addition to being a culinary condiment, our ancestors used it as a remedy, especially for respiratory and digestive pathologies. It can especially help with gastric ulcers and improve liver function, which makes it suitable for relieving indigestion. Besides, it can also help prevent intestinal parasites as well as bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

It is possible to incorporate powdered Ceylon cinnamon in sauces or grilled meats and desserts. In fact, it is a frequent seasoning in baking. It can also be taken in capsules or as an extract.

  1. Fennel to improve your digestion

Finally, we must underline the digestive properties of fennel. All over the world, the different parts of this plant are used, both the seeds and the leaves or roots.

Fennel is above all carminative, that is to say, it facilitates the expulsion of gases from the digestive tract in the event of flatulence. It also helps calm stomach pain, reduces swelling, promotes evacuation and is effective in diarrhea.

Fennel has also been shown to be a natural remedy with no side effects to reduce the intensity of infant colic. An emulsion of its seed oil is given to babies 2 to 12 weeks old, which reduces intestinal spasms and increases small intestine motility.

Now that you know these herbal remedies to improve your digestion in an efficient and natural way, don’t hesitate to get them so that you always have them on hand. You will thus have an emergency kit for certain mild digestive disorders, both for you and for your whole family.

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