Find Out Which Foods Promote Blood Circulation In The Legs

It is very important to reduce salt intake to improve blood circulation. To add flavor to our meals, it is possible to replace it with aromatic herbs.

According to the Spanish Chapter of Phlebology, almost 30% of adults suffer from chronic venous insufficiency, problems in the blood circulation, pain that intensifies with the onset of summer.

Fatigue, heaviness in the legs, dilated veins and water retention in the calves and ankles are very common realities in women, which generate a lot of pain.

The cause of these symptoms is poor blood circulation in the legs. A disease which often has a genetic origin and which is also influenced by a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet.

When the veins in the legs lose their elasticity, the valves do not close well. And the blood ends up pooling forming varicose veins and painful congestion.

However,  it is possible to improve the circulation of the legs to relieve these pains.

If we start with a little exercise every day and include the following foods in our diet, we will be able to achieve a better quality of life.

1. Foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C for blood circulation.

A mistake we often make is not getting enough vitamin C. Or, even worse, believing that by consuming industrial juices, we will cover this deficit in these types of nutrients.

It is best to always buy fruits that are natural and, as far as possible, of organic origin, to ensure that we get all the vitamins and minerals present in these natural treasures, which are ideal for promoting blood circulation. in the legs.

Oranges, like lemons or papayas, are very rich in vitamin C, the properties of which are as follows:

  • Strengthen veins and blood vessels.
  • Avoid the accumulation of fat in the blood.
  • Promote blood circulation and reduce hypertension, as well as cholesterol.
  • Purify the body of toxins, thus avoiding water retention.
  • Strengthen the immune system.

2. Ginger

Ginger for blood circulation.

This miraculous root has been used for centuries in natural medicine.

You may be under different medical and pharmacological treatments to help blood flow to the legs.

However, if you also include ginger in your daily diet, you are going to notice results very quickly.

We do not recommend that you replace medication with ginger, but it is good to use it as a “supplement” for the following reasons:

  • It is a natural pain reliever, which reduces pain and inflammation.
  • It is an excellent food for stimulating blood circulation.
  • It must be consumed fresh to be able to benefit from all its properties.
  • Thanks to ginger, you will better absorb nutrients and oxygen, and you will promote the health of your veins and arteries, making them more elastic.

3. Pumpkin seeds for blood circulation

Squash for blood circulation.

Don’t throw away the squash seeds! Sometimes we don’t know the health benefits of these little things.

This is also the case with watermelon seeds, which are excellent for your health.

You should know that pumpkin seeds are natural sources of vitamin E, an ideal component to protect the tissues of the body and which brings elasticity to the veins and arteries.

In addition to that, they promote blood circulation in the legs and help us prevent blood clots.

So go ahead and consume as much as you can!

4. A clove of garlic on an empty stomach with a glass of water

Garlic for blood circulation.

Excellent for health! If you aren’t already, start now!

Take a clove of garlic with a glass of water on an empty stomach and this remedy will help you cleanse your blood and prevent plaque buildup in your veins.

In this way, you will strengthen the blood circulation in your legs and improve your cardiovascular health.

Remember, garlic is the best natural antibiotic you can find.

5. Watermelon

Watermelon for blood circulation.

Watermelon is refreshing, diuretic, and very rich in lycopene, an antioxidant also found in tomatoes, which helps us “boost” blood flow to the extremities, ie the legs.

Thanks to its properties to prevent inflammation and water retention, watermelon will help you prevent the appearance of clots and slightly reduce varicose veins, if you consume it regularly.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric for blood circulation.

Turmeric is a very common medicinal spice in oriental dishes which is gradually developing in Western countries.

It is excellent in our dishes, it helps to color them and can perfectly replace salt, thanks to its strong taste.

Many studies consider turmeric to be an excellent product for health, thanks to all these dimensions:

  • It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant properties.
  • Turmeric will help us improve blood flow.
  • It is very suitable for reducing the pain and heaviness or pressure that we feel in the legs, due to poor blood circulation.

Remember that in order to improve blood circulation in the legs, you need to eliminate salt from your diet, drink plenty of water, and do some physical exercise every day.

These are small daily changes that will help you have a better quality of life. Are you starting today?

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