Find Out How To Take Care Of A Healthy Gut

Microorganisms in the gut are fundamental for our digestive health, but also everything for our metabolism.

For many years, we have known that the microorganisms present in the intestine play a very important role in the digestive health of humans. It appears that gut health may be directly related to diseases such as obesity and metabolic health.

However, new recent studies have determined that the flora, or gut microbiota, performs an important function in overall health.

Having a good gut health allows you to enjoy a great general well-being.

For several hundred years, gut health has been systematically linked to digestive health. But now we know that the two can be independent of each other, and that taking care of the intestines is also essential.

The intestines and health

It is now accepted that 60% to 80% of our immune system is located in our intestines. This is why these organs play a very important role in our health, and in the prevention of many diseases.

The immune tissues of the gastrointestinal tract are considered the largest, and most complex, part of the human immune system.

In the intestines, microorganisms aim to develop a strong and balanced defense system. Thanks to this, our immune system can produce antibodies, which allow us to fend off many pathologies.

In addition to their important role in the development of a strong immune system, the intestines are also responsible for the production of 90% of the human body’s neurotransmitters, which are directly related to the state of mind and feelings.

When a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, they may suffer from other health conditions, such as:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Anxiety
  • The Depression
  • Eczema

It therefore appears fundamental to protect the health of the intestines if we want good general health.

For this, naturopathic doctor Amy Myers, specialist in functional medicine, has developed the 4 R program, which aims to help the intestines to heal themselves. 

The 4 R program


In this first step, the goal is to get rid of everything that is harming our gastrointestinal tract.

It is therefore necessary to eliminate inflammatory or irritating foods such as alcohol, caffeine or drugs. As well as foods that can cause infection.

Among inflammatory foods, we can find foods that cause intolerance, such as: 

  • Gluten
  • Dairy products
  • The corn
  • Soybeans
  • Eggs
  • Sugar

It is important to perform IgG tests to know exactly the level of certain proteins in your body, called immunoglobulins, which are found in the blood.

Food sensitivity tests can also be performed to determine precisely if you have an intolerance to certain foods. The infections you have can also be caused by parasites, bacteria, or yeast.

A stool test should determine the level of good bacteria in your intestines, and detect the presence of an infection.

If necessary, to eliminate them, there are herbal treatments, anti-parasitic drugs and antibiotics, the latter not necessarily being recommended.


The body needs certain specific elements to carry out the digestive process, and therefore to absorb nutrients well.

The use of medications, inappropriate diets, illnesses or aging can decrease the presence of these elements in the body.

It is therefore important to include them in your daily diet, to have an adapted digestion. Among these elements, we find: 

  • Digestive enzymes
  • Acids
  • Hydrochloric bile acids


It is very important to restore the good bacteria in the intestines so that they can work properly.

These good bacteria can be  obtained through the consumption of probiotic supplements, such as bifidobacteria, and certain species of lactobacilli. In addition, it is essential to increase your intake of fiber.

To fix

The final step in this program is to repair the intestines with a diet rich in essential nutrients. These organs need a supply of nutrients to perform all of their functions, which are so important to our body.

To restore bowel health, you can also take L-glutamine supplements. It is an amino acid that helps rejuvenate the tissues of the intestinal wall.

In addition, it is essential to provide them with other nutrients such as zinc, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C and E, and plants such as aloe vera, or elm.

This gut health program can be the ideal support in the treatment of many diseases. It is therefore important to put it into practice, and to enjoy all its benefits for your health.

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