Emotions Affect Me As Much As I Allow Them

We need to understand how things around us affect us. It is not about transforming into a being without feeling, but about setting limits and putting things in perspective.

We are all more or less permeable. We are all more affected by certain emotions than others.

However, we must know that it is always important to know how to pose appropriate emotional barriers. In our daily relationships, each of us must be able to apply the famous expression “to be and to let be”.

And yet, in reality, we often find ourselves faced with the opposite version: “I am and I will not let you be”.

Critics, hidden lies, cryptic selfishness, false courtesies, people who like to argue, those who see problems where there is only harmony …

These are small examples of these disrespectful arts that end up disturbing our inner balance. Far from intensifying this negative feeling even more by sticking to it, we must be able to keep a cool head.

If you allow emotions to affect you so much that it changes your mood, the way you communicate, and even view life, you will miss out on a lot.

Do not become a prisoner of the square spirits. Don’t let yourself be controlled by what isn’t worth it. Accept who you are, what you are and what you are worth. Free yourself from whoever brings storms to you when you crave calm.

Emotions are transmitted: open your protective umbrella

We were talking at the beginning of this article about permeability. This phenomenon where, all of a sudden, we end up receiving from others a determined emotional charge that completely changes our morale.

It is something as common as it is dangerous.

Daniel Goleman spoke about it in his book Emotional Intelligence. No one is immune to the contexts of life.

  • The behavior of some acts in a determined way on others, whether for good or for bad. However, this emotional virus, far from stopping, is reaching more and more people.

To understand this, we give you an example.

There is the classic companion who always seeks to create altercations. His constant criticism, negativity and disrespect takes an impact on you, and puts you in a bad mood.

This bad mood follows you all day until the evening, is transmitted to your family, via your discomfort.

It’s not at all to say that things don’t affect us. It’s impossible. Human beings are purely emotional. We are not rocky spirits devoid of emotions and feelings.

So, it’s more about changing the pole of this negative energy. You have to seek balance, open the emotional umbrella and remember that if something affects you too much, you lose quality of life.

Relativize, protect yourself.

Your palace of calm

Even if you don’t believe it, there is a corner in your brain where your palace of calm is. It is larger on the inside than on the outside and is a magnificent refuge to relativize, and achieve harmony.

  • Let the talkative talk. The critic poisons himself with his own venom. The messy get lost in their own chaos.
  • Stay away from that brings you grief and always reminds you of what is wrong.
  • Look for calm when this person uses you as a means to satisfy their critical needs because they have nothing else to do.

This palace of calm is no hiding place. It is a place to remember, above all, WHO YOU ARE. No matter the criticisms or the offenses, they are just outside noise.

Because when you really know who you are and what you are worth, it doesn’t matter what others say.

Confront the emotions that affect me with dignity

Opening our emotional umbrellas to prevent certain things from affecting us doesn’t mean being passive. This does not mean that we should apply “no resistance” to allow ourselves to be manipulated or harassed.

  • Maintaining inner balance is a way of intensifying certain situations in which it is not worth wasting time.
  • An example: arguments. It is often impossible to converse with someone because they do not understand what it means to communicate without shouting. Or dialogue without trying at all costs to be right.
  • There are battles in which it is better not to get lost. Because sometimes, to overcome ignorance, we have to put ourselves at its level, and that is when we lose everything.

The best is to keep a cool head. However, a balanced mind also understands what dignity is. As soon as we feel vulnerable, it is necessary to react and set limits. 

If you don’t, others will gain traction and continue their harassment. To speak with assertion and firmness is not to attack, it is to defend one’s rights.

Something we have to do, always putting up barriers.

To conclude, we know that living together is not always easy. But who chooses to see life through the glasses of respect, harmony and dignity always avoids giving too much importance to these aspects.

Ultimately, people say things and you decide whether or not they affect you.

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