Eliminate Stomach Bacteria With A Treatment Based On Figs

In addition to containing protective enzymes that protect the walls of the stomach and prevent gastric imbalances, figs help us to prevent various ailments and provide us with vitamins, as well as minerals.

The majority of gastrointestinal problems are caused by the presence of stomach bacteria. Drinking untreated water or consuming food that has not been washed well beforehand can cause damage to our body, through the penetration of dangerous microorganisms.

As you already know, stomach diseases, just like intestinal problems, are very difficult to cure. We can go a whole week with excruciating abdominal pain, diarrhea. These are all symptoms that are not relieved by taking medication.

What can we do in this case? Sometimes taking simple hygiene measures can help us get rid of these problems.

We live in an age where our natural defenses are a little weaker, which can make us more vulnerable to pathogenic foreign bodies.

In this article, we are going to offer you a very simple remedy for stomach bacteria. This fig treatment is very effective in fighting against bacteria that colonize the walls of our stomach. It is easy to prepare, economical and very effective!

We will explain how to put it into practice.

The incredible benefits of figs

Eliminate stomach bacteria with figs

You may find figs too sweet, and have had a bit of trouble digesting them in the past. Yet it shouldn’t be.

If you have the opportunity to buy it in your usual stores, you should take the opportunity to do it regularly, because your organization would greatly appreciate it.

Figs are not fruits

It may sound strange to you, but this statement is true! Many of us perceive figs as delicious fruits, ideal for making desserts or good jams. In reality, they are infructescences, that is to say, fertilized flowers.

Nutritionally, figs contain:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Fibers
  • Vitamin C
  • Provitamin A
  • Vitamin B
  • Antioxidants and minerals, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium

Figs promote digestion

In fact, the fig is a very easy to digest food. Its composition allows our body to absorb the nutrients it contains very quickly.

Figs are appreciated around the world for their medicinal properties, but they are also known for their ability to fight stomach bacteria.

  • Figs have enzymes that act as protectors for our stomach walls, preventing the appearance of gastric and stomach imbalances, such as reflux or hyperacidity.
  • Their high content of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, allows us to fight the attacks of any bacteria, very effectively.
    In addition, in the recipe that we are going to present to you, thanks to the association of figs with olive oil, you will be able to prevent the penetration of microorganisms into your body and treat the problems they cause.
  • Figs are also very effective laxatives. They contain small seeds which are ideal for promoting our intestinal transit.

Figs against stomach bacteria

Figs are expectorant and anti-inflammatory

If you suffer from allergy or lung problems, or if you have a temporary cold, do not hesitate to consume this food.

They have a great expectorant power that allows us to clean our lungs and reduce any inflammation that may be in our body.

Figs take care of our bone health

These are foods that are very rich in calcium and folic acid. We should all consume it regularly to strengthen our bones and prevent decalcification.

It is especially recommended for women to consume dried figs. Due to the hormonal changes associated with menopause, it is usual for them to suffer from a severe calcium deficit.

  • Despite the fact that they are more caloric, dried figs contain a higher concentration of folic acid, calcium and magnesium. What good things!
  • You can opt for a breakfast based on yogurt and dried figs for example. In this way, your calcium level will be higher.

A remedy with figs to eliminate stomach bacteria

A remedy with figs to eliminate stomach bacteria

What do you need ?

  • 20 or 30 dried figs
  • Extra virgin olive oil (the amount needed for the glass jars you choose)
  • 2 glass jars

How to prepare this remedy?

In our treatment, we recommend that you use dried figs.

Even though they are more caloric, they are particularly interesting, as they contain higher healing and nutritional properties than fresh figs.

Remember to consume it on a regular basis, apart from this treatment for stomach bacteria, to take care of your bone health.

  • You will need at least 20 to 30 dried figs. This is the amount needed for this treatment which will last between 10 and 12 days.
  • To start, cut your figs in half, then place them in the glass jars you have chosen. Keep these jars clean and sterilized.
  • Once you have arranged your halved figs in the jars, fill them with extra virgin olive oil.
  • Then you have to wait for this mixture to macerate. Wait about a month or even 45 days. In this way, you will multiply the healing properties of figs tenfold.

How to consume this treatment?

The ideal is to always have at home a jar of dried figs, macerated in olive oil.

You can take it for 7 consecutive days to prevent stomach bacteria, or you can take it if you have stomach upset.

Instead, consume it in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, on a small toast of wholemeal bread for example.

This remedy will help you cure any problem, and provide you with a good dose of nutrients and energy. Plus, it’s delicious!

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