Do You Have Swollen Fingers? Why ?

Why do the fingers swell? Today, we’re going to walk you through the most common causes of this problem, and offer you some solutions to address them.

This has probably happened to you once before: you suddenly feel a pressure in your hands as well as a slight inflammation. You feel like your fingers are swollen, sometimes you even have to take your rings off.

Very often, this problem arises when you are walking, or in the middle of the afternoon. So where does this swelling come from? The causes behind this classic swelling of the fingers are very varied. We will explain them to you below!

In any part of the body, the swelling is usually due to a buildup of fluids. The fingers are an area where overwork is very common. The cause of this fluid buildup is associated with poor circulation. Sometimes these are also symptoms of other illnesses that can be prevented if we know how to recognize them. We must therefore be careful!

Causes of swelling in the fingers

hands one in the other

1. Poor circulation

An excess of cholesterol, or a high or decompensated blood pressure are two factors justifying a much more powerful blood flow in the whole circulatory system.

Our heart and lungs are therefore activated much faster. In other words, we get tired more. This circulatory intensity present in our thorax is then decomposed in our extremities, and therefore in our fingers.

As a result, we will feel swelling in our fingers and our hands will be very cold. This is because our blood vessels open more: edema is created and it is at this time that the swelling occurs.

2. Excess weight

Obesity, or having a few extra pounds, causes changes in our lymphatic system. We then retain liquids, whether in our hands or in our feet. We feel our members much more swollen. Our feet, for example, no longer fit in our shoes. There is also tingling in the fingers which are slightly swollen.

3. Swelling due to the carpal tunnel

When we suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome in our hand, it is common to have constricted blood flow in this area. This is due to the compression of the median nerve; we then have a sensation of sleep in the fingers, accompanied by a sensation of cold and swollen fingers.

4. Swelling due to an allergic reaction

Sometimes a foreign body can enter our body. To defend ourselves from it and fight it, we release histamine into the bloodstream.

This sometimes causes dilation of the extremities and the appearance of swollen fingers. To cope with this reaction, we need to take antihistamines.

5. Infection

Infection occurs when germs enter our skin due to an injury. Sometimes it could be a simple cut. In the case of an infection, one of your fingers may start to swell and you will feel painful. Sometimes infection of a tissue is accompanied by infection of the bone, which usually causes a rise in fever.

6. Rheumatoid arthritis

The wear and tear on our joints and cartilage can sometimes attack our fingers. So what are the symptoms? Regardless of age, suddenly there is swelling of the fingers accompanied by a red color.

It is painful, especially in the morning.  Very often, we also feel a certain stiffness in our fingers, which prevents us from moving them easily.

How can I treat swollen fingers?

1. Exercises to eliminate tingling and water retention

reduce tingling in the hands

  • We will reduce water retention by moving our fingers as shown in the picture. This movement promotes blood circulation: this then allows excess fluid to move out of the area.  It is simply a matter of moving the thumb in and out several times. It’s something really simple to do that restores the water balance!
  • Another pretty good exercise is to join the two palms of the hand (as if you were praying), and then raise them above your head. It will also help you to clear your circulation.

2. Take natural diuretics

green tea

They will allow you to eliminate water retention in the body. As a first step, try to drink two liters of water daily. In your diet, add natural foods with diuretic properties such as green tea, celery, carrots, tomatoes, onions, eggplants, asparagus, artichokes, watercress, cucumber, Brussels sprouts , lettuce, etc.

3. A balanced diet without salt

Salt-free diet

You should follow a diet rich in fiber and vegetables while eliminating industrial fats, additives and salt. Your body will then feel much better, and you will especially avoid water retention. Your blood circulation will be better, and it will also help you lose weight!

4. Compression gloves

compression gloves

If you are used to having swollen fingers, and you also feel uncomfortable because of it, then you can use compression gloves.  They are generally sold in pharmacies. These gloves are really very useful in these cases: they exert adequate pressure on our hands and on our fingers, and thus we release the excess liquid.

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