Discover Our Prenatal Stimulation Techniques

Prenatal stimulation techniques allow you to stay in touch with your baby in the womb and stimulate your senses. There is no scientific evidence that they stimulate intelligence or learning.

Every pregnant woman spends many minutes of her pregnancy stroking her abdomen, trying to decipher whether she is touching her baby’s foot, elbow, or knee. It is the first and most intuitive prenatal stimulation technique that every woman can do.

There is no scientific evidence to indicate that prenatal stimulation affects a developing baby’s intelligence or learning ability.

However, in reality, prenatal stimulation techniques are exercises that can be very enjoyable for the mother. They are also a way to strengthen the bond with the baby.

How to do prenatal stimulation?

prenatal stimulation

There are exercises for every stage of your baby’s growth. To follow any of these techniques, the most important thing to remember is not to obsess over it. Along with the moments of stimulation, there must also be moments of tranquility.

The fetus inside the womb is sleeping as well, and since we don’t know when it is, since it is an inherently dark environment, it is best not to abuse and overstimulate .

Visual stimulation techniques

It is known that from the sixth month the fetus reacts by opening and closing its eyes to the light stimuli that arrive through the abdomen, so that you can start these exercises from the fourth month.

  • Expose your belly to the sun for 20 seconds, then cover it for 20 seconds.
  • With a small torch, light up your belly and slowly move it up and down or side to side.

Tactile stimulation techniques

Pressure on the abdomen generates vibrations that are transmitted through the amniotic fluid and your baby feels them through their skin. These exercises can be done after the tenth week of pregnancy.

If you have experienced previous abdominal pain, spontaneous abortion, or premature delivery, it is best not to do these exercises.

  • Press on the abdomen area or give a very gentle stroke when you feel the baby’s movement.
  • When taking a shower, run water at different intensities over your stomach.
  • Gently massage your stomach or ask your partner to do it.

Auditory stimulation techniques

The baby hears many sounds inside the womb: your heartbeat, your digestion or your breathing. In addition, he can also perceive what is coming from outside, your voice and that of his father, even when the amniotic fluid dampens the intensity.

Even so, it is important to avoid arguments during pregnancy, because your baby is feeling what is going on. These exercises can be started from the fourth month of pregnancy.

  • Select a piece of music, preferably instrumental, and listen to it often enough
  • Speak in a loud, slow voice, and get your partner involved too
  • Sing a lullaby, which you will then take back to put him to sleep once he is born

Motor stimulation techniques

Being in gentle but rhythmic movement helps both mother and baby.  It relaxes you and helps you stay fit throughout pregnancy. For the baby, it is a different way of perceiving the outside world.

These prenatal stimulation exercises can begin after the fifth month of pregnancy. If you do them before, you must have the consent of your doctor, because if you have or have had a risk of spontaneous abortion, it is not advisable.

  • Dance softly, alone or with your partner
  • Walk regularly
  • Practice prenatal yoga or pilates

Mental stimulation technique

Focusing on what every inch of the body feels helps release stress and tension. Body scanning is a simple technique, although it takes time to master.

You can do it anytime and anywhere. Lying or sitting, whichever is easier depending on the size of your abdomen.

  • Start with what you feel in the toes of one foot, and focus your breathing and attention on that feeling.
  • So, travel from the foot, ankle, calf, knee, thigh and hip. Go to the other foot.
  • After returning to the pelvis, continue with the back, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, neck and head.

Become aware of every sensation. If you feel that your mind is wandering too much, realize this and focus on your breathing.

prenatal stimulation

It takes time to focus on your body, but once you do, you will appreciate more the process your body goes through during pregnancy and your baby’s presence inside you.

Final considerations

Your baby has developed his senses during the third month, so these exercises are ideal for the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, when the first months have already passed. It is advisable to perform these exercises at the rate of a few weekly sessions.

It is important not to obsess over it. Take the opportunity to communicate with your baby. If your partner can get involved, even better. Alternatively, you can also involve another family member who will support you in the birth and care of the newborn.

And, of course, if you have any doubts, do not forget to consult the doctor who is monitoring your pregnancy.

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