Discover 6 Interesting Natural Eggshell Remedies

To get the maximum benefits, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the eggshells before crushing them as they may contain dirt or grime. germs.

Eggs are one of the foods we eat the most around the world, not only because they are multi-purpose, but also because they contain a wide variety of nutrients that are beneficial for the whole body. But did you know that eggshells also contain nutrients?

Even if for a while it was believed that it was not healthy to eat it regularly because of the cholesterol it causes in the body, little by little it has been shown that its properties are much more widespread than ‘we imagine.

What some people continue to ignore is that its shell, the one we throw away all the time, also has some interesting health benefits.

Indeed, it is a significant source of calcium. In fact, it is estimated that over 90% of its composition is this essential mineral.

In addition, in smaller quantities, it contains other substances that are healthy for the body, which indicates that its consumption has a very positive impact on the body.

Have you ever taken advantage of these shells? If you do not yet know what to do, then do not hesitate to try the following natural remedies.

1. The eggshell drink to detoxify the body

eggshell drink

The vitamins and minerals found in the eggshell are therefore good supplements to support the body’s detoxification processes.


  • 5 eggshells
  • 3 liters of water

How to do ?

  • Wash the eggshells well, then crush them in a mortar and pour the powder into a container with three liters of water.
  • Put the preparation in the refrigerator and let stand for a week.
  • Once this time has elapsed, consume two glasses per day.

2. Treatment for gastric problems

Even if it sounds strange to you, eggshell can be a great ingredient for treating stomach problems.

It has properties that regulate the pH of the stomach and control the common discomforts that affect it.

Use the eggshell in cases of acidity, gastritis, and common abdominal pain.


  • 1 eggshell
  • 1/4 teaspoon of coffee (1.2 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (10 ml)
  • 1/2 glass of milk (100 ml)

How to do ?

  • First put the eggshell in a mortar and crush until you get a powder.
  • Then mix the product with the coffee and lemon juice.
  • Put the milk on the heat and when it is hot, add the previous preparation.
  • Consume twice daily, preferably on an empty stomach.

3. Syrup to strengthen the immune system

A mixture of eggshells with lemon and bee honey results in a plain syrup against the symptoms of flu and colds.

Its high nutrient content strengthens the immune system and increases the presence of antibodies.


  • 7 eggshells
  • The juice of 5 lemons
  • 2 cups of bee honey (672 g)
  • 1 liter of water

How to do ?

  • Wash and crush the eggshells until they turn into flour.
  • Then squeeze the juice from the lemons and mix them with the shells.
  • Let them soften in the refrigerator and then stir in the liter of water and the pure bee honey.
  • Mix everything and let stand for 7 days.
  • After the time has elapsed, consume a spoonful three times a day.

4. A healing remedy

The transparent film that covers the inside of the eggshell contains nutrients that aid healing of superficial wounds on the skin.

If the shell works well on its own, you can also multiply its effects with a little olive oil.


  • 1 eggshell
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (5 g)

How to do ?

  • Moisten the eggshell with a little olive oil and put it directly on the affected area.
  • Make sure the transparent film is in contact with the skin.
  • Repeat its application twice a day.

5. A tonic for sensitive skin

The anti-inflammatory and calming effect of the eggshell can help in the treatment of irritated and sensitive skin.


  • 1 eggshell
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar (62 mL)
  • 1/2 cup of water (125 ml)

How to do ?

  • Crush the eggshell and mix it with apple cider vinegar and half a cup of water.
  • Let sit overnight and the next day, apply with a piece of cotton.
  • Repeat the application as many times as needed.

6. The exfoliating treatment

If you don’t have a product to exfoliate your skin, crush some eggshells and take advantage of its ability to renew dead cells.


  • 1 eggshell
  • 1 egg white

How to do ?

  • First prepare a powder with the eggshell and mix it with the egg white.
  • Then spread the product all over the face, let dry and remove with gentle circular massages.
  • Use a maximum of twice a week.

Do you know these uses for eggshells? Now that you know how to get the most out of them, don’t hesitate to use them whenever you consider it necessary!

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