Depression After A Breakup: Treatment And Support

It is normal to go through a period of grief and sadness after a breakup. However, when symptoms do not improve or get worse, it could be depression. In this case, the treatment and support of those closest to you is essential for recovery.

Some people are able to recover from a breakup quickly. Others, on the other hand, find it more difficult and need more time. It’s normal.

In extreme cases, however, some people can experience depression after breaking up. In this article, we tell you what the symptoms of depression are and how you can get out of them.

Depression or normal reaction to a breakup?

Being sad is normal

A woman who is sad about a breakup.

First of all, it is essential to distinguish between what is a normal reaction to a break-up and depression. Indeed, even if the relationship has not been very important, it is perfectly normal to present certain feelings and emotions when it ends. So, in what is considered a normal reaction, we can find:

  • Frustration
  • Sadness
  • Tears
  • Insomnia
  • Reluctance and loss of interest

It is therefore quite normal to go through a “grieving phase”. After all, it is a loss. So there is no reason to worry. However, the length of this grieving phase will depend on each person. Some people need more time, while others can get over it faster.

The Depression

In the case of depression after a breakup, symptoms do not go away for weeks or even months. In fact, they can get worse. So, among its symptoms, we can highlight:

  • Loss of interest in any type of activity
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of energy
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Intense feeling of emptiness and hopelessness
  • Loss or increased appetite
  • The depressed person moves, talks and thinks slowly
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • In extreme cases, suicidal thoughts or tendencies

What to do in case of depression after a breakup?

The best and most effective way to overcome depression is to see a specialist. The latter can guide the depressed person from a professional point of view and initiate the most appropriate type of therapy for each case. In this sense, he can recommend:

Psychological treatment

The psychologist can help you overcome a difficult breakup.

Interpersonal or cognitive behavioral therapy will involve changing negative thoughts and overcoming or avoiding the other person’s obsession or idealization or the broken relationship, or feeling of anger, if one exists. In this sense, cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis are the most common forms of therapy.

In addition, relaxation techniques can be recommended which will have a very positive impact on the depressed person.

Psychopharmacological treatment

Depending on the severity of the case, certain antidepressant medications may be prescribed.

Other recommendations

There are other recommendations for depression after a breakup.

  • For example, physical exercise is highly recommended. Indeed, the release of endorphins will help the depressed person to feel better and to overcome his condition. However, it is not necessary to go to the gym, it is enough to walk, cycle or get around on foot
  • Another recommendation is to keep busy. In this sense, it is recommended to start something new. It can range from just starting to read a book to starting a new life project.
  • Also, as we will see later, it is important not to isolate yourself and to encourage contact and friendship with other people.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol as a means of escape or reassurance
  • Eat well and in a balanced way, that is to say, seek a physical balance with healthy habits
  • Get enough sleep and rest

Support for depression after a break-up

In any case, for the depressed person, it is always essential to have the support of family and friends. Thus, it is even advisable to make new friends, expand the social circle, reconnect with old friends, etc.

Indeed, one of the keys to overcoming the problem is socialization. This will help distract from the person or relationship that has ended and the mood. Moreover, precisely in the case of depression, expressing one’s emotions and talking about them with those close to them can help in a very positive way.

However, it often happens that the depressed person is unable to socialize and avoids contact with others. In this sense, the question arises of how to help a person suffering from depression after a breakup.

  • First of all, it is advisable to find out what depression is and what are the symptoms of it. Knowledge is still a weapon and the most important tool
  • Talk to the depressed person and encourage treatment. It is important that we stress that their condition has a solution, that there is a cure, and that it needs to be addressed in the right way. However, the decision to start treatment should always be made by the person concerned.
  • Get help right away if you have suicidal thoughts or thoughts
  • Offer your support. Listen, reinforce positive thoughts, make plans with the depressed person (shopping, having a drink, etc.)
  • Please be patient. Coming out of depression can be a slow and difficult process. However, we still have to show our support

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