Delicious And Easy Italian Bread Recipe

Italy is the mother of many famous recipes. from its fantastic sauces to its unrivaled variety of pasta … But do you know its bread? Find out how to quickly and easily make your own Italian bread that will complement any meal. On your apron!

Who would have imagined that Italians also had the reputation of being excellent bakers? They are excellent in gastronomy, so that was to be expected. Today you will learn how to make the famous Italian bread from scratch. It is actually known as ciabatta bread, but over the years and idioms it has come to be called “Italian bread”.

However, you have certainly read in many places that eating bread is “unhealthy” because it increases the risk of weight gain  , or because it is loaded with carbohydrates, fats and refined flours.

In honor of the truth and valuable information, there are several things we need to explain to you about this. In this sense, it is necessary to find out what carbohydrates are  and what is the real impact of refined flours. Also, keep in mind that the key to everything is the portions and your pace of life.

Consuming this type of bread or any other, even if it is sweet or accompanied by other ingredients such as chocolate or meringue, does not make it “bad”. It all depends on how many calories you eat every day. your general diet and your lifestyle.

With this important topic cleared up, it’s time to find out about the recipe. This process is a bit rigorous, but it’s worth it!

Homemade Italian bread: the ingredients


Before getting to the heart of the matter, it is necessary to mention a series of tips and little tricks that you should take into account when making the dough.

Unlike what happens with traditional bread, Italian bread has a peculiarity that makes it exceptional. To get a good result, you will need a very moist paste. The recipe for this bread is unconventional.

In this sense,  the real trick lies in the fermentation, both for the taste and for the texture. You must wait at least twelve hours to acquire the necessary ferment.

Don’t worry, you are about to find out how you need to go about making it happen. It’s easier than you might imagine, but you’ll have to be patient.


  • 3 cups of wheat flour (360 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of dry yeast (15 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of salt (45 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)

Homemade Italian bread: the preparation

Bread and pastries

  • You will need to make two types of dough: the first, at least twelve hours before for fermentation, and the second, the following day. These data cannot be omitted. Otherwise, you won’t get Italian bread.
  • You will make the first dough by mixing the wheat flour, water and baking powder with salt. Almost without kneading, it must be left covered with a cloth all night for it to ferment.
  • The next day, it will be the turn to prepare the other dough: add the wheat flour in a bowl, with water, dry yeast and salt. This time you will let it sit for three hours.
  • Once the three hours have passed, stir the dough a little with your hands and add the honey.
  • Then let the dough ferment (and swell) in the open air for another twenty minutes before putting it in the oven. If it feels dry to the touch, don’t make the mistake of adding more water or  flour. It must remain intact.
  • Preheat the honor to 220 ºC.
  • Then shape the dough and place it on a baking sheet.
  • Bake for thirty minutes, and when the dough is puffed and browned, give it a little nudge. If the bread sounds hollow, it is a sign that it is baked and ready to eat.

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