Courageous Are Those Who, Despite Everything, Rise Every Day

You have fought a thousand and one battles and, despite your scars, you continue to smile at life and savor every minute for to be happy. This is where the real courage lies.

Being courageous isn’t just about saving the lives of others. Nor to risk everything to protect others, even beyond his own integrity.

Whether we believe it or not, our world is inhabited by thousands, millions of brave anonymous people. People who, despite their internal struggles, their problems, their pains and their inner labyrinths, manage to get up every day to give the best of themselves.

Because we have to admit it, sometimes we’re part of it: don’t underestimate ourselves.

We often see ourselves as fragile beings only because we sometimes fail.

Because things don’t always go the way we want them to. Or worse, because we think we should do more, work more, take more care of our loved ones, get more things, more money, more material goods …

We don’t realize that in fact we are doing all we can and more , we are real heroes.

We are the people who have overcome thousands of difficulties and, despite some voids, two pains and five or six failures, we continue to look to the horizon with hope.

Today in this space, we invite you to reflect, to shed light on this courageous being who is in you and whom we do not always see …

Courageous are those who know how to recognize their vulnerabilitycourageous

Courageous are those who know their limits. Who know that they can be wrong and who, from time to time, need to get closer to their vulnerability to reappear and get to know each other better.

Rudyard Kipling said that “if you can recognize your vulnerability in defeat, learn from the teaching, and fail to see that failure, the land and everything in it is yours.”

This sentence contains a universal truth. A fundamental principle of personal growth that is not so easy to integrate into everyday life.

  • This is not the case for a very simple reason: many of us are educated not to fail. At school, for example, failure was one point less on the exam or repetition.
  • The failure was to disappoint our parents, to make a mistake, to take the wrong path. Or to move away from what others planned for us by causing deep disappointment or even reproach.

It is therefore necessary to take a more logical and sane perspective to understand that being vulnerable does not especially mean being weak. Whether to be wrong or not to succeed is not particularly a failure.

The real sage is the one who learns from his mistakes. Who is able to recognize their vulnerability to be more humble, to know themselves, to have better emotional and cognitive resources to solve their problems.

You were born to be brave, to overcome adversity

It is very rare that someone explains to us how to be courageous. We are nonetheless genetically ready to overcome any adversity, any difficulty.

  • If there is one drive that guides our brain, it is the sense of survival. The one that has always helped us to progress as a species. To survive in the most disadvantaged territories and to face more than one predator.
  • Right now, there is no more fierce predator than fear itself. It immobilizes us, it inscribes itself in our mind through limiting thoughts and “I can’t”, “it’s beyond me” or “I couldn’t do it” .
  • We are like trapped and blinded. We do not distinguish internal forces, and are unable to activate this exceptional dimension of resilience to remind us of our courage, our innate capacity to move forward … and to continue.

Courage is getting up every morning and continuing to look to the future with hope.courageous

You are courageous. No one tells you this often enough, but an inner voice whispers it to you every day.

  • You don’t surrender a single morning. You are not trying to hide under the sheets or give up.
  • You may have had this experience at some point in your life. Maybe in a depression or in the face of personal grief, and it forced you to embrace this vulnerability.
  • However, after this passage, if there is anything you have learned, it is to be strong. You understand that those who say “no” to a new day are turning their backs on life.

This is why, even though our bodies ache and fears weigh on our minds, we never surrender.

So, do not hesitate, every morning, to put one foot in front of the other. To breathe deeply, then to appreciate your face in the mirror for a few seconds, without rushing …

You are that person who is now reflected in your mirror. And although she no longer has the innocence of yesteryear, she nevertheless keeps this beautiful maturity. That of a person who despite his wounds, but also thousands of joys lived and future, has an infinite number of promises to touch with his fingertips.

Which are you going to take on today?

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