Correct Healthy Eating Mistakes

Getting your family to eat healthy is more than a puzzle. Beyond the daily rush, pre-cooked products and single-dose containers, family nutrition seems to have become a big issue for many households.

Even people who are careful about their health can make dietary mistakes that can interfere with their plan to lead a healthier lifestyle or lose weight. If you are one of those people who pays a lot of attention to what you eat, you are probably looking for ways to improve your diet.

Getting your family to eat healthy is a real headache. Beyond the concerns of everyday life, precooked products and individual packaging, family nutrition seems to have become a pending issue for many households.

This is why we are going to tell you below the power supply errors that you can make. This way you and your family will be healthy.

Healthy Eating Mistakes You Could Make

1. The mistakes of healthy eating: improvising

Lack of planning is one of the mistakes of healthy eating
Without planning, we tend to eat food on an empty stomach or precooked, which is seriously detrimental to our health.

Most families (up to 80%, according to some studies) do not plan their weekly menus. The result of this disorganization is an imbalanced eating practice which leads to overweight. It is necessary to learn basic food knowledge in order to master your diet and be better organized.

No doubt, eating well today requires significant thought, as well as smart purchases, in order to choose well without exceeding your budget. It also requires cooking more.

2. Thinking that light foods are always healthy

Often the reduction in fat is counterbalanced by the use of other less healthy substances. We will therefore have to decide how often we consume this type of food so that it does not alter the nutritional balance of our diet. Therefore, they should be consumed on a more ad hoc basis.

Another mistake is to think that all fats are harmful. The body needs fat to function well. Products that advertise “0% fat” have not only eliminated all bad fats, such as saturated fat, but also good fats, such as monounsaturated fats, which are helpful in fighting bad cholesterol. .

3. Eat a few times a day, but ingest a lot of food

Experts recommend five daily intakes : three large meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and two snacks. If we do not give food to our body for a long time (more than 3-4 hours), our body goes on alert and all our reserve mechanisms are triggered.

This means that our body starts saving energy and accumulating fat. He does this to endure the deprivation and to remain efficient during the hours when he is not receiving food. It is therefore essential to avoid activating these alert mechanisms to keep our body in balance.

4. The mistakes of healthy eating: not eating breakfast or snacking

If we don’t eat the right meals, our body goes into alarm mode, which increases fat storage signals.

It is a very widespread habit in society due to the “false” belief that it is possible to lose weight faster in this way. We need to get this idea out of our head immediately. Indeed, breakfast is the most important meal and provides us with the energy we need for the rest of the day.

On the other hand, snacking is also a bad habit. The human digestive system is regulated, it has its own schedules that we must respect. Changing our habits from day to day can only have a bad effect on us and our health.

5. Overuse of salt

Excessive salt can lead to problems with water retention and blood pressure. The excess sodium in our body will mainly affect the kidneys and the heart. These conditions arise over time due to the continued abuse of salt.

To avoid this, it is essential to follow an adequate diet in which salt is a very rare element. A healthy way to season foods is to add herbs or spices.

6. Believe that eating a salad is already eating vegetables

Many people believe that eating salads already means including enough vegetables in their diet. This is a volume error, because a basic salad with lettuce, tomatoes and onions has a low nutrient density and mostly provides water.

To have a healthy diet, it is necessary to eat vegetables in a varied and balanced way. We must, for example, include in our diet green beans, spinach, peas, cabbage, peppers, carrots… It’s not just lettuce!

7. Eat too much meat and too few vegetables

“At least finish your meat”, we often hear in the mouths of some mothers. Animal proteins should not take up more than a quarter of the plate, just like legumes or cereals on the menu. These last two food groups complement each other very well and also contribute to protein intake.

Small portions of white meat or fish are sufficient. Red meat should be eaten once a week, not every day. The real protagonists of our health must be vegetables.

Finally, if you have any doubts about how to have good eating habits, don’t hesitate to consult a nutritionist for more advice on how to follow a proper diet.

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