Control Inflammation And Relieve Pain In The Knees With This 2 Ingredient Medicinal Blend

The mixture of oil and Himalayan salt combines the anti-inflammatory properties of both ingredients to form a single product ideal for relieving joint pain such as the knees.

Inflammation and pain in the knees can be the result of excessive physical exertion, bad habits, or injury.

These joints are quite complex. They also tend to suffer from trauma due to their lack of cushioning.

If they are well protected by fluids, ligaments and tendons, many factors accelerate their degradation. This can then drift into inflammatory responses and severe pain.

They can, it is true, be treated with analgesic drugs and periods of rest. However, it is sometimes necessary to have recourse to other treatments to avoid complications.

Fortunately, there are solutions of natural origin. They help fight this type of problem without causing unwanted effects and at low cost.

We will therefore present to you, below, a remedy for external use which, thanks to 2 ingredients, will relieve you in a short time.

2 ingredients to relieve knee pain

The medicinal mixture for relieving inflammation and pain in the knees is obtained from the combination of olive oil and Himalayan salt.

These ingredients have anti-inflammatory and vasodilator properties. Thus, after being applied externally, they promote good circulation and the functions of the lymphatic system.

In addition, thanks to their properties they improve the process of muscle and joint oxygenation, which reduces the sensation of rigidity and pain.

Benefits of olive oilin the knees

Olive oil is a type of healthy fat that is known around the world for its high content of essential nutrients and for its medicinal properties.

Its anti-inflammatory compounds act as muscle relaxers, which is why they are ideal for reducing inflammation and problems that affect movement.

Its external application brings interesting benefits to circulatory health, as it promotes the relief of pain in knees and tight muscles.

It is recommended for its mild analgesic effect and is ideal for controlling headaches, torticollis and other problems resulting from an imbalance in the level of inflammation.

The most interesting is that its compounds are good for the health of the skin, reduce the negative action of free radicals and toxins.

Benefits of Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt has become a therapeutic product, ideal for reducing pain in joints and muscles.

It contains essential minerals like sodium and magnesium, which work from outside the body as powerful relaxants.

Its assimilation improves the activity of enzymes while regulating the electrical and muscular impulses after activities of high physical demand.

It is attributed soothing and anti-inflammatory properties which, thanks to massages, reduce knee, back and hand pain by up to 30%.

In addition, its application provides a boost to lymphatic functions, so as to promote the elimination of toxins and fluids retained in the tissues.

As if all of the above were not enough, it is also a natural nervous system calmer and also serves as a supplement to stimulate serotonin secretion.

How to prepare this medicinal mixture for pain relief?in the knees

The medicinal blend of olive oil and Himalayan salt is an external treatment that controls pain without causing adverse reactions.

While this is not a miracle cure or anything, its regular application helps calm inflammation and mobility issues in the knee.


  • 1 cup cold pressed olive oil (200 g)
  • 1 cup of Himalayan salt (120 g)


  • Resealable glass bottle
  • Wooden spoon


  • Stir the olive oil into the glass bottle then add the Himalayan salt.
  • Mix the two ingredients using the wooden spoon. After having integrated them well, close the container tightly.
  • Place the product in a cool, dark place and let it sit for 8 days.

Method of application

  • Take a generous amount of the product and rub it on the sore areas.
  • Perform a gentle massage for 3 to 5 minutes and leave on.
  • Leave the remedy ingredients to work for another 20 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
  • Repeat the application each time you feel pain. If you wish, you can also apply it 3 times a week for prevention.

Ready to try it? Although this is a different therapy for relieving pain, its properties are very interesting and effective.

Do not hesitate to discover them!

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