Climbing The Stairs: What Are The Benefits?

When going up and down the stairs, we are not working the same muscles, which is why it is recommended to combine the two. This exercise helps us tone our calves, buttocks, quads, and reduce our body fat.

Going up the stairs instead of taking the elevator can be a real exercise program. You can play this “sport” anywhere, anytime. It is an aerobic exercise. It will therefore help you burn fat, eliminate cellulite and improve your cardiovascular health.

Learn about all the benefits of climbing stairs in this article.

Why is it good to climb the stairs?

As we said before, it is a very effective aerobic activity. Indeed, climbing the stairs allows you to work the leg muscles, burn fat in the lower part of the body and burn energy.

This exercise will thus help you to burn the macro-nutrients from the food consumed throughout the day.

It will use up the fat stored in your body thus causing you to lose weight.

It also helps improve your heart rate and lung capacity.

With all of those fewer calories, the fat cells in the adipose tissue will start to disappear. It is for this reason that climbing the stairs is excellent for removing cellulite that affects most women.

A father who climbs the stairs of a lighthouse
A person weighing 65 kg can burn up to 500 calories going up and down the stairs for an hour.  This obviously depends on the amount of steps and how quickly the exercise is performed. It is nevertheless an average which allows you to realize the effectiveness of this exercise.

It requires absolutely no equipment, nor any subscription in a gym.

Health effects

Climbing the stairs will also have short, medium and long term positive effects on your health. Thus, it reduces the possibility of suffering from chronic diseases like cardiovascular problems, diabetes and certain types of cancer.

It also drastically reduces bad cholesterol levels in the blood, giving you more energy every day.

View of a staircase

If your goal is to burn the fat accumulated in your thighs and abdominal area, don’t hesitate to go up the stairs as soon as possible. To do this, try to put them on as quickly as possible, keeping your back straight, using suitable clothing.

If you think it’s a bit complicated to set up this activity during the week, take advantage of the weekend to do it at home.

Is it better to go up or down the stairs?

This is one of the questions that comes up the most. According to experts, both alternatives are good because they work different muscles.

It is therefore recommended to go up and down the stairs, and not to settle for just one option. This is one of the best ways to exercise without realizing it.

Shop window with people going up a staircase
Your legs will begin to slim and tone, your abdominal belt will melt as you go. In addition, you will have greater resistance to running. All this without even realizing it.

And for those who are not very social, using the stairs will prevent you from having to make conversation in the elevator, for example. It is also an ideal medium for those who suffer from claustrophobia.  

When you go down or up the stairs, the intensity of the activity is almost the same.

When going up, the calves, buttocks and quadriceps are the muscles most used. On the way down, the quadriceps alone do the work because their role is to control the pull of gravity on our body.

View of a staircase
The two activities must therefore be combined to be able to tone your legs and reduce fat. Use the stairs at least twice a week to see the results.

Training on the stairs

There are exercise programs that offer variations on the classic descent and stair climb.  The exercises that you can do on the stairs are as follows:

Get on your tiptoes

Go up the stairs with your feet together, making small jumps between each step on your tiptoes. Do at least one set of 10 steps. This will develop your endurance but also the elasticity of your muscles.

Man doing a sprint on the stairs


Go up the stairs at the fastest possible speed. Do four sets then recover at the end of your last descent.

Go up the stairs two by two

Go up the stairs two by two very quickly. Do a series of 12 minimum (i.e. 6 jumps). Do four sets and recover at the end of your last descent.

Stand on one foot

Do hopping jumps with your other leg hanging, without it touching the steps. Do four sets (two with each leg) and recover at the end of your last descent.

Running up the stairs

Frog Jumps

Perform jumps with your legs slightly bent and feet together. Three sets of 10 steps on each leg.

Heel-butt exercises

Take a very full jump on the climb, then lift your heel up to the thigh or buttock, changing legs with each step. Do 4 sets of 10 steps on each leg.

Perform knees-breasts

Also take a wide step up the stairs, trying to touch your abdomen with your knee. Perform 3 sets of 16 steps with each leg.

If you have a staircase at home, do not hesitate to take the opportunity to do all these exercises.  Increase the speed of execution of your movements every two weeks. Then, you can add a weight to make the task more difficult (a dumbbell, a bag, etc.).

Woman running up the stairs

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