Cinnamon, Apple And Lemon Water For Weight Loss. Excellent!

This cinnamon water is very effective when you want to lose weight.

Water with cinnamon, apple and lemon is prepared in less than 20 minutes and allows you to lose weight!  If you haven’t tried it yet, now is the time to find out!
There is something we all know is that these remedies in and of themselves do not work wonders.

Indeed, detox diets are in vogue and although the drink that we are going to present to you has these properties, several things must also be taken into account.

First of all, that these natural recommendations must always be accompanied by good lifestyle habits. It is thus necessary to eat in a varied and balanced way and to fight against sedentarism.

Then we have to be constant. Indeed, to lose weight, natural remedies and good habits are not enough. We also need consistency and will.

In addition, it should be understood that we do not all have the same metabolism. There are people who find it easier to gain weight and others for whom it is much harder.

We need to be persistent and make the most of these natural options.

Here, we encourage you to take care of yourself and discover the great benefits of this delicious cinnamon, apple and lemon water.

The general benefits of cinnamon, apple and lemon water

In our recipe we will integrate cinnamon sticks, a green apple and also the juice of a lemon. These are incredibly healthy foods. In addition, when they are mixed, their virtues are increased.

In this article, we’re going to tell you all about what this delicious drink can do.

A drink full of antioxidants

Lemon as well as green apple or cinnamon protect us from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.  Thus, we obtain in particular a large supply of polyphenols, wonderful for taking care of our heart health.

  • You should know that antioxidants in themselves do not make us lose weight.

Indeed, what they do is promote the correct functioning of our body. They therefore protect cells and take care of the liver – an essential organ to be able to lose weight.

  • In addition, there is a curious rule that is always observed: any food rich in antioxidants contains very little fat or calories.

apple for weight loss

Cinnamon drink: a powerful anti-inflammatory

Foods with anti-inflammatory properties can, for example, fight against fluid retention. They also help prevent kidney or heart problems, and also protect us against multiple pains.

Both cinnamon and lemon are powerful anti-inflammatory agents that provide us with the right vitamins and minerals to take care of our health.

It regulates the level of sugar in the blood

This recipe has multiple benefits for the body. One of the most interesting data is that it helps to balance the level of sugar in the blood and also to lose weight.

  • Cinnamon is one of the best foods to protect us from metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

So much so that its activity is mainly concentrated on our digestive enzymes and allows nutrients to be broken down well to regulate any excess sugar.

  • If, in addition, we add cinnamon to the apple, we succeed in “capturing” glucose much better and in making its activity much slower. All this allows us to take care of our health and our line.

Fat becomes less resistant

We stress that this cinnamon, apple and lemon water is not going to make you lose weight fast.

What it does is activate our metabolism and promote weight loss. It will therefore make it possible to burn fat more easily if we adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

  • One of the main virtues of cinnamon water is that it detoxifies our body. It is diuretic, digestive, satiating and takes care of our heart health.
  • Here is another interesting detail: it allows the fat to be less resistant. Especially, the one that is stored in the abdomen.
  • So much so that if we consume it for 15 or 20 days, we will be able to notice good results, as long as we follow a suitable diet.

The green apple, thanks to its enzymes, also makes it easier to eliminate fat.

In addition to this medicinal cinnamon water, do not hesitate to consume plain green apples at least 3 times a week. In this way, you will benefit from the pectin, a fiber present in the skin of this fruit.

How to prepare my cinnamon, apple and lemon water for weight loss

cinnamon and apple in a glass


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 green apples
  • 1 or 2 cinnamon sticks (10 g)
  • The juice of a lemon


As we told you earlier, it will be ready in just over 20 minutes.

  • To do this, start by choosing two beautiful organic green apples. Wash them well, cut them into slices (do not remove the skin) and set them aside.
  • Then, squeeze the lemon and mix it with the liter of water.
  • It’s almost ready. Just add the apples and cinnamon sticks to the liquid.
  • Place in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • If you prefer, you can let this water sit overnight for the cinnamon, apple and lemon to release their properties. 

The next day, drink this water a little before your main meals. You will see that you will feel good.

Are you going to try this remedy today?

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