Can Green Tea Really Help You Lose Weight?

Green tea has many health benefits for the human body.

It is always very satisfying to come home and drink a good cup of green tea to unwind from a long day at work. But can green tea help us lose weight?

Some people drink it for pure pleasure, but others consume it because it is very beneficial for our health. It has particular virtues to help us lose weight.

But what is behind this supposed slimming virtue?

Are we sure green tea is the best natural drink to help us shed pounds? Read this article to learn all about green tea!

Green tea, or how can it help us lose weight?

When we want to lose weight, we look for all the most natural ways to achieve it.

You already know that there are very restrictive diets that make you reduce your protein, carbohydrate, and fat indices (all types combined), without taking into account your body’s need for balance.

These diets exclude fatty acids or proteins that allow our bodies to function normally. Better to go his way in the face of this kind of solution.

We advise you to lose weight by taking care of your health and adopting healthy lifestyle habits.

Is it true that green tea helps shed those extra few pounds that we all want to shed?

Yes indeed. But it is only an ally that you must include in a varied and balanced diet.

We are now going to see how green tea can help you lose weight.

1. A powerful antioxidant

Green tea helps relieve bloating

  • Green tea is thus a powerful natural antioxidant, capable of slowing down premature aging and protecting us against many diseases thanks to its high content of polyphenols.
    However, to have all the cards in hand, you should also know that white tea contains even more antioxidants than green tea.

2. Green tea helps speed up metabolism

  • The main benefit of green tea is to help us speed up our metabolism, allowing us to burn more fat.
    It is precisely the catechins that help our body to enter a phase of thermogenesis, and to produce energy to eliminate extra pounds.
  • Green tea is also a great way to gently curb your appetite. Drinking green tea allows you to eat less and avoid snacking between meals.
  • Another interesting aspect of this ancestral drink is its ability to prevent high spikes in insulin in the blood.
    This helps regulate the fat in all our cells and gradually eliminate excess fat in the body.

3. It is an excellent diuretic and stimulating tonic for the liver.

  • Green tea is a wonderful ally for the purification of our body.
    It allows us to eliminate the toxins accumulated in our blood and in our intestines.
    It purifies saturated fat, and helps us to eliminate, through the urine, all the substances which inflame the belly.
  • Plus, green tea acts as an ideal tonic to stimulate and regenerate the liver and pancreas.
    It stimulates their basic functions and, thanks to its high content of antioxidants, it acts as an excellent protector of these two organs.

How to consume green tea to lose weight?

1.  To be able to lose weight while taking care of your health, you need to drink three cups of green tea per day. It is an excellent aid to lose weight.

2. The first cup of this drink should be taken on an empty stomach, as soon as you wake up. You can drink it with the juice of half a lemon.

3. You should take the second cup right after the lunch meal.
In this way, you will promote your digestion, you will absorb nutrients better, and you will more easily eliminate all the fat in your body, without feeling hungry before the next meal.
Remember never to add white sugar to your green tea.
If you are unable to drink it this way, you can add a teaspoon of honey (7.5 grams).

4. Finally, drink the last cup after dinner, at least an hour and a half before going to bed.
This will give your body time to digest properly.

5.  Remember to remove the following from your diet: 

  • Carbonated and sugary drinks
  • Industrial cakes and pastries
  • Red meat
  • Refined white flours
  • The cold cuts
  • Whole dairy products

The contraindications of green tea

  • If you have high blood pressure, don’t consume too much green tea. Remember that this drink contains theine, an exciting substance.
  • Drinking green tea between meals will also prevent your body from properly absorbing iron and calcium from food.
    Wait at least 20 minutes to consume your cup of green tea, so that your body can benefit from the nutrients in the food.
  • Also remember not to drink more than three cups per day. Green tea is a stimulant that can be dangerous if consumed in too large amounts.

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