Can Constipation Promote Weight Gain?

Preventing constipation is fundamental to taking care of our health in general. What we consider to be

Everyone has already noticed by looking at themselves in the mirror, that their belly was a little more swollen than usual. Sometimes you have constipation and feel bloated. You step on the scale and notice that you have gained a few pounds. Why is this weight gain taking place? 

In this article, we’ll explain everything about constipation, and give you some keys to help you solve this common problem.

Can constipation promote weight gain?

The answer is no, but we will explain this question in detail, in order to clarify your doubts.

Imagine, for example, that you have not been able to go to the bathroom regularly for a week.

So you have a problem with constipation, and your clothes tighten more and more on the level of the belly.

In addition, your scale tells you that you have gained a few pounds. What is this due to?

  • This weight gain is not due to accumulated fat,  but to elements stored in our intestines that we should have expelled in the form of stool. It is food waste that inflames us, in other words toxins that can cause disorders such as water retention.
  • Weight gain from constipation is not a real phenomenon, it is a perceived phenomenon.
    The body does not really gain weight. As soon as a healthy intestinal transit is restored, the few extra pounds on the scale disappear.
  • It is true that your belly appears more swollen, but it is neither fat nor muscle, just bloating due to the retention of stool in the intestines.
    Constipation does not promote weight gain literally. Your figure will therefore not change if you suffer from it.
    Constipation is not healthy, however, as the little excess weight you can feel is due to the presence of unexpired stools, which can cause more serious health problems.
  • Going to the bathroom regularly and keeping your bowels in good working order improves our overall health.
    These organs allow us to purify our body, to free us from toxins and harmful elements that promote, for example, water retention.
    When dieting, it is therefore very important to include good doses of fiber, fluids, fruits and vegetables that will not only help you lose weight, but also prevent constipation.
    Having normal transit is an important part of our overall health, as is maintaining a healthy weight.
  • If you suffer from acute constipation,  a rapid weight gain of between 2 and 3 kilograms can be noticed.
    The increase in weight is present, but as we have just explained, it is not real.
    As soon as the constipation problem subsides, that extra weight disappears.
    Experts tell us that the direct evidence of weight gain is the change in BMI, body mass index, which takes into account waist circumference, arms, etc.
  • Sometimes we tend to eat poorly for a few days or even a few weeks (too much sugar, little water and even less fiber).
    As a result, the body produces more fluids to flush out the excess accumulated sugar. The belly then takes on a more swollen appearance, but it is not fat.
    This type of process can be easily reversed with better nutrition and higher fluid intake.

How to effectively avoid constipation?

First, it should be noted that women are more likely to suffer from constipation and water retention.

Some days they may feel more swollen, heavier than usual. But, by following a few simple rules, it is quite easy to prevent this from happening.

We just have to change our lifestyle  and accept that we have to take care of ourselves a little more every day.

Stress, everyday obligations can sometimes take up all our time, and we do not pay enough attention to ourselves.

If we continue on this path, our health will quickly suffer. Take note of these different good habits to take:

1. The importance of breakfast

Breakfast is one of the keys to fighting constipation. If you take it properly, you can do away with this annoying problem.

Include a piece of fruit, some oats, and a hot drink with your first meal of the day, and you’ll feel a lot better.

How about making a nice bowl of oats with a few pieces of kiwi, and a few grapes?

You can also accompany the whole thing with a very hot infusion of nettles, which you can drink slowly with a little honey.

2. The aloe vera and orange smoothie

Aloe vera juice is a real ally against constipation.

Pairing aloe vera with orange is a great idea to fight constipation. Here’s how to do it:


  • 30 grams of aloe vera (only the translucent gel that is inside the plant)
  • 150 ml of lukewarm water
  • Orange


  • Heat the water in a teapot, and as soon as it boils, add the aloe vera. Meanwhile, extract the juice from the orange.
    Then mix the lukewarm aloe vera infusion with the orange juice, and drink it on an empty stomach. It is simply delicious!

3. Moderate physical exercise

It is very healthy to go for a walk for half an hour a day, to swim, etc. It is simply a matter of keeping yourself active to allow the bowels to move enough to promote the normal expulsion of stool.

Finally, remember that it is not only for fighting constipation, but also for being in better health.

4. Eat early, and light

It is important not to overload your stomach with excess food before going to bed.

Heavy digestion in the last hours of the day slows down the action of our intestines.

This results in the storage of food residues which will make their disposal more complicated. The ideal is to have a light dinner two hours before going to bed.

5. Fiber, vegetables and liquids

This is the magic formula. A diet high in fresh (or raw, it’s even better) vegetables, fiber, and water will help regulate your bowel movements.

Try to consume beetroot and carrot smoothies. They are delicious, and so effective!

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