Banning Foods Is Not The Solution To Losing Weight

The ideal is to eat a diet that includes all types of food. Avoid specific passenger diets. Banning certain foods will only make you want to eat them. 

In these times when the imperatives of beauty are becoming more and more important in the achievement of our professional and personal goals, both men and women decide to ban certain foods of high nutritional value, in order to lose weight..

For many of us, the theme of appearance becomes an obsession. This may concern you. Talking about diet may make you uncomfortable, confused, frown. This is because you are thinking about how difficult it is to eliminate the foods you love.

For some people, dieting is a heavy burden. It is so heavy that they wonder if it is really worth it. If the result will be proportional to the effort, and they give up before reaching the goal.

3 reasons not to ban certain foods from your diet

banning foods is not the solution

Do not lose hope. Here we show you that a diet is about health, about life, not about restrictions. Banning foods you love will only make you want to eat them. What is forbidden arouses desire, and once you have tasted it, pleasure.

1. Desire for the desired object increases 

Controlling what you eat is a matter of controversy. It is obviously essential to distinguish between foods that make us feel good and those that harm our health. However, excessive control goes against the nature of human beings.

By banning certain foods, your diet will appear unpleasant to you. Food should be fun. Banning foods is not the solution, because they will become objects of desire. It is therefore counterproductive to ban these foods.

In addition, contrary to what most people believe, it is possible to enjoy eating other than through the consumption of high calorie foods, those that are harmful to health. We refer in particular to fast food, sweets and soft drinks.

Allow yourself to eat one of these foods once a week.

2. Banning foods from your diet causes anxiety

Anxiety is something you should always avoid. If you ban a food you love, you’ll want to eat it even more, and until you have it within reach, the craving will be overwhelming.

If you are anxious, as soon as you have the opportunity to eat what you love, you will quickly forget your goals and not stop until you are full.

Restriction does not help to eat well, and anxiety even less. Your food choices should not oppose your desires.

3. The emotional value of food

Certain foods are part of our history as an individual, and you cannot change that: a meal prepared by your grandmother, a candy offered by your spouse, a drink that reminds you of a good conversation …

You must not lose sight of this aspect. Memories cannot be erased : they are a part of you, and recalling them can fill you with joy.

Fast slimming diets, a bad habit 

banning foods increases the desire to eat them

The obsession with losing weight leads some people to follow rapid slimming diets without any professional supervision. This represents a health risk .

It is recommended to consult experts and follow a good nutritional program. We are sure you will like the concept of a diet plan more than the word diet.

What is the solution ?

banning foods because of anxiety

Let things be clear: all foods have a place in our life, except in cases of intolerance.

Here are some basic principles:

  • Choosing quality food is essential
  • A good diet consists mainly of vegetables, fruits, fish, eggs, and meat
  • Avoid consuming too many carbohydrates, too much fat, too much sugar

In short, the ideal is to eat while respecting the amount recommended for each food. This will avoid the feelings of desire and anxiety that the ban arouses, and as a result, you will not have compulsive cravings and feel less hunger pangs.

Planning is a good verb. Plan five small meals a day. Don’t go overboard.

One last tip. Consult a nutrition expert; he will be your best guide. And of course, don’t forget to exercise! 

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