Avocado Kernel To Fight Cellulite

Avocado kernel is ideal for fighting cellulite if you use it as part of a balanced diet. We explain everything to you here!

Winter is coming and we start to accumulate a few extra pounds, because the discipline that we impose on ourselves throughout the year is more difficult to maintain during this period. As they gain weight, some people experience cellulite. Discover the benefits of an avocado pit against cellulite!

All kinds of products are offered on the market to combat this phenomenon. Most of them are expensive, and opinions about their effectiveness are not always positive.

On the other hand, you may be reluctant to subject your body to the absorption of artificial chemicals. The most popular brands have already withdrawn creams and gels from the market because of the toxic elements they contain.

That is why we recommend that you always go for natural alternatives. Discover here a natural alternative against cellulite!

Why does an avocado kernel help fight cellulite? 

Cinnamon is an ally against cellulite

This phenomenon is also called “orange peel”. It is caused by a build-up of water and fat in the skin tissue as well as poor blood circulation.

Industrial lotions supposed to fight against cellulite do not act on water retention and on circulation: they produce inflammation of the epidermis which makes it possible to simulate firmer skin.

Conversely, the avocado kernel stimulates lipolysis and microcirculation.

Lipolysis is the digestive process that breaks down fat. For its part, micro-circulation is the natural phenomenon which allows the transport of nutrients throughout the body, while breaking down harmful cells.

The avocado kernel therefore attacks the very root of the problem. Thanks to it, you will be able to make your own exfoliating product, using natural ingredients. This product has no side effects and is a very economical alternative.

A homemade exfoliant with an avocado core

You will be surprised by the simplicity of this natural remedy!

What you need

  • 4 avocado pits
  • 4 tablespoons of olive, almond or sunflower oil (64 g)

What you should do

  • Cut the pits into small pieces or grate them.
  • Pour the pieces of avocado pits into a dry glass jar. This is an important nuance, as water could interfere with your mixing.
  • Then add the oil of your choice, then mix until a thick paste is obtained.
  • When you get the texture you want, store the jar in a dry, dark place for three days.
  • After this time, place it in the refrigerator. If you don’t, the product may start to mold.

How you should apply it

  • As is often the case with these types of products, it is advisable to apply your exfoliant immediately after showering. The action of hot water opens the pores, making it easier for the exfoliant to penetrate the skin.
  • We advise you to perform a circular massage in a clockwise direction.
  • Rub the mixture well for ten minutes on the areas of your body affected by cellulite.

Other uses of avocado

This example based on avocado kernel to fight cellulite is only an illustration of the virtues of this fruit. You can also use its flesh in the following recipes.

A face mask

This fruit is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, which restore all its radiance to the complexion of the skin. If you want to intensify the effect, we recommend adding honey, brewer’s yeast or yogurt.

An anti-inflammatory gel for the cervicals

The essential fatty acids and vitamin E of avocado help reduce pain, but also treat the cause.

This gel does not cause side effects in your body, unlike paracetamol and ibuprofen. Keep in mind that all pharmaceutical drugs can have unwanted side effects.

The best ingredient for lowering cholesterol

If you include avocado in your diet, you will take care of your health.

Thanks to its nutritional value, it prevents certain harmful substances from causing a spike in cholesterol in the blood.

Consume it as a supplement or as a prevention.

Did you know that this food has so many properties? Are you going to try our avocado kernel recipe to fight cellulite?

We guarantee that it will help you fight your orange peel skin and it will save you money. Consider also taking advantage of the exceptional virtues of avocado flesh.

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